Hi, i've been asked to write a program to construct a magic square (you know, all rows, columns and the diagonals are equal..) Well i've written up to the point that the the array is printed and the row totals are calculated. this is the output i should get...

15 8 1 24 17 65
16 14 7 5 23 65
22 20 13 6 4 65
3 21 19 12 10 65
9 2 25 18 11 65

However, my code is obviously incrementing the range value but overriding the previous range values when it comes to printing the array and i'm getting this output....

25 25 25 25 25 125
25 25 25 25 25 125
25 25 25 25 25 125
25 25 25 25 25 125
25 25 25 25 25 125

and heres my code.......

/* De la Loubčre's Magic Square Construction Method */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 5
#define MOD(a, b) (a >= 0 ? a % b : a % b + b)
/* High Level Description...
Initialise array
WHILE further range values to insert
Determine location of next entry
Increment entry value
Place entry in array
Output resuts
/* Detailed Description...
Initialize array to 0's
Calculate middle column
WHILE further range values to insert
IF current range value MOD array size NOT equal to 0
Calculate new row count
Calculate new column count
Increment row count MOD array size
Increment range value
Place range value in array
Clear the screen
Output heading text to the screen
FOR each row in the array
Initialize the row total
For each column in the array
Output array value to screen
Accumulate totals
Output row total and new line
Output column totals to screen
FOR first row to last row
Column count is equal to row count
Accumulate top left to bottom right diagonal total
Column count is equal to 0
FOR last row to first row
Accumulate bottom left to top right diagonal total
Increment column count
Output Top Left - Bottom Right diagonal text and total to the screen
Output Bottom Left - Top Right diagonal text and total to the screen
void main()
int magic_square [ARRAY_SIZE] [ARRAY_SIZE] = {0},
row_count = 0,
range_value = 1,

column_count = ARRAY_SIZE/2;
magic_square [row_count] [column_count] = range_value;

while (range_value <= RANGE - 1)
if (range_value % ARRAY_SIZE != 0)
row_count = MOD(row_count-1, ARRAY_SIZE);
column_count = MOD(column_count-1, ARRAY_SIZE);
row_count = MOD(row_count, ARRAY_SIZE) +1;
magic_square [row_count] [column_count] = range_value;
printf("De La Loubčre's Magic Square Construction\n");

for(row_index = 0; row_index <= ARRAY_SIZE - 1; ++row_index)
row_total = 0;
for(col_index = 0; col_index <= ARRAY_SIZE - 1; ++col_index)
printf(" %3d", range_value);
row_total += range_value;
printf(" %d\n", row_total);

Please, Please can someone help me!!! This has to be in on thursday morning and i've been staring at my computer for 3 days totally bewildered, i think i need some fresh eyes to look at it for me!

Lots of love