I was going over number input in the FAQ here. I am about half done reading it and wanted to try out some of the early examples both good and bad to understand what is exactly going on. Here is a function I made. I added a min and max to limit the size of the number.

The call looks like this:
   printf("Enter a number (0-20)\n");
    number = UserInput(MIN_NUMBER, MAX_NUMBER);

int UserInput(int min, int max){

    int input;    
    input = 0;


    while (scanf("%d",&input) != 1 || input < min || input > max){
        while (getchar() != '\n');

    // while (getchar() != '\n'); <<<--- Should I put this here??

    return input;

My question is two fold. First, shouldn't I clear the stdin before leaving this function. From what I can tell it still leaves junk in the buffer.

Two what would happen if the user exceeds the buffer? I tried it and seems the function works fine no matter how large a number is entered.