Thread: stdio.h?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Okay this is goign to be really random sorry for this but im kinda confused basically
    I compiled this programmed with a Makefile im not sure if they have control over this but one of the files has a

    #include <stdio.h>

    and apparently when it gets compiled it doesnt see that so i wasnt sure where to look for this

    but i tried creating a simple test program. with the stdio.h and had a printf saying hello
    and the gcc was able to see that ??

    so the only diffrerence is that with the program thats not working im doing it like

    cc instead of gcc would that make a difference to y theres not stdio.h

  2. #2
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Hmm, kiros88 if you have stumbled into linux kernel programming (a guess based on your earlier post) much of the standard library, in particular stdio.h, is not available.
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  3. #3
    Trying to Learn C nathanpc's Avatar
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    If you're building kernels, any of the library's are available.
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  4. #4
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nathanpc View Post
    If you're building kernels, any of the library's are available.
    Sorry nathan, this is incorrect with regard to the linux kernel: It runs by itself. It does NOT link to any external libraries. You cannot #include anything outside of the kernel source tree. This is why there are functions such as printk() included in the tree.
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  5. #5
    Third Eye Babkockdood's Avatar
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    Make a new file and name it "stdio.h" and put it in the same directory as the code you're trying to compile. Paste the following into stdio.h.

     * stdio.h
     * Definitions of types and prototypes of functions for standard input and
     * output.
     * NOTE: The file manipulation functions provided by Microsoft seem to
     * work with either slash (/) or backslash (\) as the path separator.
     * This file is part of the Mingw32 package.
     * Contributors:
     *  Created by Colin Peters <[email protected]>
     *  This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may
     *  use, modify or distribute it freely.
     *  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but
     *  DISCLAMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of
     * $Revision: $
     * $Author: brandon6684 $
     * $Date: 2001/12/18 22:53:58 $
    /* Appropriated for Reactos Crtdll by Ariadne */
    /* implemented clearerr feof ferror perror as macros */
    /* added _IOCOMMIT */
    /* added filbuf and flsbuf and fwalk   */
    #ifndef _STDIO_H_
    #define	_STDIO_H_
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    #define __need_size_t
    #define __need_NULL
    #define __need_wchar_t
    #define __need_wint_t
    #include <crtdll/stddef.h>
    /* Some flags for the iobuf structure provided by djgpp stdio.h */
    #define _IOREAD   0x000010
    #define _IOWRT    0x000020
    #define _IOMYBUF  0x000040
    #define _IOEOF    0x000100
    #define _IOERR    0x000200
    #define _IOSTRG   0x000400
    #define _IOAPPEND 0x002000
    #define _IORMONCL 0x004000  /* remove on close, for temp files */
    /* if _flag & _IORMONCL, ._name_to_remove needs freeing */
    #define _IOUNGETC 0x010000  /* there is an ungetc'ed character in the buffer */
    #define _IOCOMMIT 0x008000
    #define _IODIRTY  0x000080
    #define _IOAHEAD  0x000008
    #define _IORW (_IOREAD | _IOWRITE )
     * I used to include stdarg.h at this point, in order to allow for the
     * functions later on in the file which use va_list. That conflicts with
     * using stdio.h and varargs.h in the same file, so I do the typedef myself.
    //#ifndef _VA_LIST
    //#define _VA_LIST
    //typedef	char* va_list;
    #include <stdarg.h>
     * FILE should be used as a pointer to an opaque data type. Do not rely on
     * anything else, especially the size or contents of this structure!
    #ifndef _FILE_DEFINED
    typedef struct {
      char *_ptr;
      int   _cnt;
      char *_base;
      int   _flag;
      int   _file;
      int   _ungotchar;
      int   _bufsiz;
      char *_name_to_remove;
    } FILE;
    #define _FILE_DEFINED
    //#define _fillsize _bufsiz
     * The three standard file pointers provided by the run time library.
     * NOTE: These will go to the bit-bucket silently in GUI applications!
    extern FILE _iob[];	/* an array of FILE */
    #define stdin	(&_iob[0])
    #define stdout	(&_iob[1])
    #define stderr	(&_iob[2])
    #define stdaux	(&_iob[3])
    #define stdprn	(&_iob[4])
    /* Returned by various functions on end of file condition or error. */
    #define	EOF	(-1)
     * The maximum length of a file name. You should use GetVolumeInformation
     * instead of this constant. But hey, this works.
     * NOTE: This is used in the structure _finddata_t (see dir.h) so changing it
     *       is probably not a good idea.
    #define	FILENAME_MAX	(260)
     * The maximum number of files that may be open at once. I have set this to
     * a conservative number. The actual value may be higher.
    #define FOPEN_MAX	(20)
     * File Operations
    FILE*	fopen (const char* szFileName, const char* szMode);
    FILE*	freopen (const char* szNewFileName, const char* szNewMode,
    		 FILE* fileChangeAssociation);
    int	fflush (FILE* fileFlush);
    int	fclose (FILE* fileClose);
    #define fcloseall 	_fcloseall
    int	remove (const char* szFileName);
    int	rename (const char* szOldFileName, const char* szNewFileName);
    FILE*	tmpfile (void);
    int	_filbuf(FILE *f);
    int	_flsbuf(int c, FILE *f); 
    void	_fwalk(void (*func)(FILE *)); // not exported
    int 	_fcloseall( void );
     * The maximum size of name (including NUL) that will be put in the user
     * supplied buffer caName.
     * NOTE: This has not been determined by experiment, but based on the
     * maximum file name length above it is probably reasonable. I could be
     * wrong...
    #define	L_tmpnam	(260)
    char*	tmpnam (char caName[]);
    char*	_tempnam (const char *szDir, const char *szPfx);
    #ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
    #define	tempnam _tempnam
    #endif  /* Not _NO_OLDNAMES */
     * The three possible buffering mode (nMode) values for setvbuf.
     * NOTE: _IOFBF works, but _IOLBF seems to work like unbuffered...
     * maybe I'm testing it wrong?
    #define	_IOFBF	0	/* fully buffered */
    #define	_IOLBF	1	/* line buffered */
    #define	_IONBF	2	/* unbuffered */
    int	setvbuf (FILE* fileSetBuffer, char* caBuffer, int nMode,
    		 size_t sizeBuffer);
     * The buffer size as used by setbuf such that it is equivalent to
     * (void) setvbuf(fileSetBuffer, caBuffer, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ).
    #define	BUFSIZ	512
    void	setbuf (FILE* fileSetBuffer, char* caBuffer);
     * Pipe Operations
    int	_pclose (FILE* pipeClose);
    FILE*	_popen (const char* szPipeName, const char* szMode);
    #define	popen _popen
    #define	pclose _pclose
    /* Wide character version */
    FILE*	_wpopen (const wchar_t* szPipeName, const wchar_t* szMode);
     * Formatted Output
    int	fprintf (FILE* filePrintTo, const char* szFormat, ...);
    int	printf (const char* szFormat, ...);
    int	sprintf (char* caBuffer, const char* szFormat, ...);
    int	vfprintf (FILE* filePrintTo, const char* szFormat, va_list varg);
    int	vprintf (const char* szFormat, va_list varg);
    int	vsprintf (char* caBuffer, const char* szFormat, va_list varg);
    /* Wide character versions */
    int	fwprintf (FILE* filePrintTo, const wchar_t* wsFormat, ...);
    int	wprintf (const wchar_t* wsFormat, ...);
    int	swprintf (wchar_t* wcaBuffer, const wchar_t* wsFormat, ...);
    int	vfwprintf (FILE* filePrintTo, const wchar_t* wsFormat, va_list varg);
    int	vwprintf (const wchar_t* wsFormat, va_list varg);
    int	vswprintf (wchar_t* wcaBuffer, const wchar_t* wsFormat, va_list varg);
     * Formatted Input
    int	fscanf (FILE* fileReadFrom, const char* szFormat, ...);
    int	scanf (const char* szFormat, ...);
    int	sscanf (const char* szReadFrom, const char* szFormat, ...);
    /* Wide character versions */
    int	fwscanf (FILE* fileReadFrom, const wchar_t* wsFormat, ...);
    int	wscanf (const wchar_t* wsFormat, ...);
    int	swscanf (const wchar_t* wsReadFrom, const wchar_t* wsFormat, ...);
     * Character Input and Output Functions
    int	fgetc (FILE* fileRead);
    char*	fgets (char* caBuffer, int nBufferSize, FILE* fileRead);
    int	fputc (int c, FILE* fileWrite);
    int	fputs (const char* szOutput, FILE* fileWrite);
    int	getc (FILE* fileRead);
    int	getchar (void);
    char*	gets (char* caBuffer);	/* Unsafe: how does gets know how long the
    				 * buffer is? */
    int	putc (int c, FILE* fileWrite);
    int	putchar (int c);
    int	puts (const char* szOutput);
    int	ungetc (int c, FILE* fileWasRead);
    /* Wide character versions */
    wint_t	fgetwc (FILE* fileRead);
    wint_t	fputwc (wchar_t wc, FILE* fileWrite);
    wint_t  getwc(FILE *fileRead); // not exported
    wint_t	ungetwc (wchar_t wc, FILE* fileWasRead);
    wint_t	_filwbuf(FILE *f);
    wint_t	_flswbuf(wchar_t c, FILE *f); 
     * Not exported by CRTDLL.DLL included for reference purposes.
    #if 0
    wchar_t*	fgetws (wchar_t* wcaBuffer, int nBufferSize, FILE* fileRead);
    int		fputws (const wchar_t* wsOutput, FILE* fileWrite);
    int		getwc (FILE* fileRead);
    int		getwchar ();
    wchar_t*	getws (wchar_t* wcaBuffer);
    int		putwc (wchar_t wc, FILE* fileWrite);
    int		putws (const wchar_t* wsOutput);
    #endif	/* 0 */
    /* NOTE: putchar has no wide char equivalent even in tchar.h */
     * Direct Input and Output Functions
    size_t	fread (void* pBuffer, size_t sizeObject, size_t sizeObjCount,
    		FILE* fileRead);
    size_t	fwrite (const void* pObjArray, size_t sizeObject, size_t sizeObjCount,
    		FILE* fileWrite);
     * File Positioning Functions
    /* Constants for nOrigin indicating the position relative to which fseek
     * sets the file position. Enclosed in ifdefs because io.h could also
     * define them. (Though not anymore since io.h includes this file now.) */
    #ifndef	SEEK_SET
    #define SEEK_SET	(0)
    #ifndef	SEEK_CUR
    #define	SEEK_CUR	(1)
    #ifndef	SEEK_END
    #define SEEK_END	(2)
    int	fseek	(FILE* fileSetPosition, long lnOffset, int nOrigin);
    long	ftell	(FILE* fileGetPosition);
    void	rewind	(FILE* fileRewind);
     * An opaque data type used for storing file positions... The contents of
     * this type are unknown, but we (the compiler) need to know the size
     * because the programmer using fgetpos and fsetpos will be setting aside
     * storage for fpos_t structres. Actually I tested using a byte array and
     * it is fairly evident that the fpos_t type is a long (in CRTDLL.DLL).
     * Perhaps an unsigned long? TODO?
    typedef long	fpos_t;
    int	fgetpos	(FILE* fileGetPosition, fpos_t* pfpos);
    int	fsetpos (FILE* fileSetPosition, const fpos_t* pfpos);
     * Error Functions
    #if 0
    void	clearerr (FILE* fileClearErrors);
    int	feof (FILE* fileIsAtEnd);
    int	ferror (FILE* fileIsError);
    void	perror (const char* szErrorMessage);
    #define  clearerr(f)     (((f)->_flag) &= ~(_IOERR|_IOEOF))
    #define feof(f)		(((f)->_flag&_IOEOF)!=0)
    #define ferror(f)	(((f)->_flag&_IOERR)!=0)
    #define  perror(s)	(fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", (s), _strerror(NULL)))
     * Non ANSI functions
    #ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
    int	_fgetchar (void);
    int	_fputchar (int c);
    FILE*	_fdopen (int nHandle, char* szMode);
    #ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
    #define	fgetchar 	_fgetchar
    #define	fputchar 	_fputchar
    #define	fdopen 		_fdopen
    #endif	/* Not _NO_OLDNAMES */
    #endif	/* Not __STRICT_ANSI__ */
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #endif /* _STDIO_H_ */
    Then, replace the #include <stdio.h> with #include "stdio.h". It should compile fine.

  6. #6
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    It will compile -- but will it link? Now you have to write the body for all of those functions....

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