Thread: Passing an array to a function

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Passing an array to a function

    I am having trouble passing an array to a function, here is my code.

    void get_fields(char *fld1);
    int main(void)
       char array[100];
    function code

    /* get_fields.c-- read sequential text file            */
    /*             -- file has newline delimited "records" */
    /*             -- records have tab delimited "fields"  */
    /* a C Beginner's program:                             */
    /* This is meant to be a learning/teaching program.    */
    /* This program sacrifices elegance for readability    */
    /* If suitable, this may be added to the C course.     */
    void get_fields(char *fld1)
      char record[100];                 /* array to hold each "record" */ 
           //*fld1, *fld2, *fld3, *fld4;         /* pointers to "fields" */
      FILE *fin;                              /* pointer to input file */
      fin = fopen(FILENAME, "r");             /* open the file to read */
                                                     /* print a header */
      printf("%-25s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n",           
             "Field 1\\t", "Field 2\\t", "Field 3\\t", "Field 4\\n");
      /* the while loop is used to read in the file that fin points to */
      /* use fgets() to read the file. fgets() reads up to a newline   */
      /* fgets() includes the newline in the string it reads and tacks */
      /* a '\0' onto the end of the string. It should be familiar.     */
      while (fgets(record, sizeof(record), fin))
        /* strtok() will be looking for a newline at the end of record */
        if (record[strlen(record) - 1] != '\n')
          /* make sure the newline is there */
          record[strlen(record) - 1] = '\n';
        /* use strtok() to get each "field". strtok()'s usage is:      */
        /* char *ptr = strtok(char *s1, const char *s2);               */
        /* the first call of strtok() searches the string s1 for the   */
        /* `token' s2. If found, it replaces the token with '\0' and   */
        /* sets a pointer to the next character                        */
        fld1 = strtok(record, "\t");
        /* after that each call has a NULL pointer as the 1st argument */
        /* & starts searching for another token from the saved pointer */
        /* if strtok() can't find the token, it returns a null pointer */
        /* strtok() is a tricky function to use. 8^D                   */
        //fld1+20 = strtok(NULL, "\t");
        //fld3 = strtok(NULL, "\t");
        //fld4 = strtok(NULL, "\n");
        /* finally, print each string using printf() for formatting    */
        //printf("%-25s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n", fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4);
      //return 0;

    I get a segmentation fault
    thanks in advance Mick

  2. #2
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You don't check whether the file was successfully opened. You probably want to do so.

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