Hi im pretty new to C programming and im having trouble with this assignment

Write a C program that reads text from the standard input and prints out a frequency table for the word lengths found in the text.
Your program should read from standard input and write to standard output.
Your program should have at least three functions: one that processes a line at a time, one for printing the result table and the main function.
You can use malloc() or calloc() to create all your arrays and buffers.
Use fgets() for reading the input.
Use strtok() for tokenizing. To keep this simple, we will use the string " ,.;:'\"&!? -_\n\t" as the delimiter string for strtok().
The output should consist of a table of word length followed by frequency. The table should only show the rows for non-zero frequencies. Show the average length as the last line of the output. See the sample output below.
You can assume that the maximum length of a word is 50 characters.

mainly my trouble is starting, i cant seem to figure out how to get a program to count the number of letters in a word and that would be the biggest help for me to figure out and help welcome