Thread: Issues with 16-bit dos code

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    Registered User
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    Apr 2010
    I live in Sherwood, Oregon. It's beautiful here!

    Issues with 16-bit dos code

    I found an interesting book on chaos theory online. The book details the creation of a graphical application that deals with mapping fractals. Unfortunately, much of the code is too old for my compiler, which is MinGW in Eclipse using MSYS. I think I have most of it set up correctly, though I do not understand how to use it effectively.

    Specifically, I am having trouble with the following statements:

    "union REGS regs;" yields the error "storage size of 'regs' isn't known"

    "_NORMALCURSOR" is undefined

    "_NOCURSOR" is undefined

    I think I need the 16-bit dos.h header file for the two undefined variables, but I can't find it anywhere. I've been trying to find a solution to "union REGS regs", but can't find any effective resources and I have no idea what the "union" keyword does.

    Here's the code. Any help woild be appreciated.
    /*This was a copy and paste from the book, with a few of my alterations. Sorry if it is a little cryptic. I'm still trying to understand it*/
    #include <dos.h> /*this came with MinGW and seems not to work*/
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <graphics.h> /*This failed to replace the 16-bit graph.h header*/
    #include <conio[C].h> /*this is the c version of conio.h header*/
    #include <wincon.h>   //This, along with winbgim.h, was to help replace the old
    #include <math.h>     // dos.h header. It failed
    #include <io.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <winbgim.h>
    int SAV, T, WID, QM, P, TWOD;
    int M, I, I1, I2, O, I3, I4, I5;
    int J, WH, FREQ, C4, NC, C, RD, BY, BK;
    int COLR[16];
    char CODE[515], Q;
    char FAV[9] = "XDATA.DAT";
    double NMAX, EPS, TWOPI, SEG, NE, X;
    double Yy, Z, W, XE, YE, ZE, WE, LSUM, N, NL;
    double DLW, DL2, DF, RS, L, MX, MY, XL, XH, YL, YH, XA, YA, ZA, TT, PT, TIA;
    double XZ, YZ, DUR, D2MAX, DX, DY, DZ, DW, D2, F, TH, PH, XRT, XLT, HSF, AL;
    double SINAL, COSAL, DUM, SW, SH, X0, Y0;
    double XS[500], YS[500], ZS[500], WS[500], A[505], V[100], XY[5], XN[5];
    union REGS regs;
    FILE *F1, *F2, *F3;
    void fun1300(void); /* Initialize */
    void fun1500(void); /* Set parameters */
    void fun1700(void); /* Iterate equations */
    void fun2100(void); /* Display results */
    void fun2400(void); /* Test results */
    void fun2600(void); /* Get coefficients */
    void fun2800(void); /* Shuffle random numbers */
    void fun2900(void); /* Calculate Lyapunov exponent */
    void fun3100(void); /* Resize the screen */
    void fun3500(void); /* Produce sound */
    void fun3600(void); /* Respond to user command */
    void fun3900(void); /* Calculate fractal dimension */
    void fun4100(void); /* Project onto a sphere */
    void fun4200(void); /* Display menu screen */
    void fun4700(void); /* Get dimension and order */
    void fun4900(void); /* Save attractor to disk file SA.DIC */
    void fun5000(void); /* Plot point on screen */
    void fun5400(void); /* Plot background grid */
    void fun5600(void); /* Set colors */
    void fun5800(void); /* Process evaluation command */
    void fun5900(void); /* Save favorite attractors to disk file FAVORITE.DIC */
    void fun6000(void); /* Update SA.DIC file */
    void fun6200(void); /* Special function definitions */
    void fun6700(void); /* Project onto a horizontal cylinder */
    void fun6800(void); /* Project onto a vertical cylinder */
    void fun6900(void); /* Project onto a torus (unity aspect ratio) */
    void fun7000(void); /* Save data */
    void main()
    PREV = 5;                   /* Plot versus fifth previous iterate */
    NMAX = 11000;               /* Maximum number of iterations */
    OMAX = 5;                   /* Maximum order of polynomial */
    D = 2;                      /* Dimension of system */
    EPS = .1;                   /* Step size for ODE */
    ODE = 0;                    /* System is map */
    SND = 0;                    /* Turn sound off */
    PJT = 0;                    /* Projection is planar */
    TRD = 1;                    /* Display third dimension as shadow */
    FTH = 2;                    /* Display fourth dimension as colors */
    SAV = 0;                    /* Don't save any data */
    TWOPI = 6.28318530717959;   /* A useful constant (2 pi) */
    srand(time(0));             /* Reseed random number generator */
    fun4200();                  /* Display menu screen */
    T = 1;
    if (Q == 'X') T = 0;        /* Exit immediately on command */
    while (T) {
    	switch (T) {
    		case 1: fun1300();  /* Initialize */
    		case 2: fun1500();  /* Set parameters */
    		case 3: fun1700();  /* Iterate equations */
    		case 4: fun2100();  /* Display results */
    		case 5: fun2400();  /* Test results */
    void fun1300() /* Initialize */
    int graphdriver = DETECT, graphmode, error_code;
    initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "");        /* Set graphics mode */
    WID = 80;                   /* Number of text columns */
    gotoxy(WID / 2 - 6, 13);
    fun5600();                  /* Set colors */
    if (QM == 2) {
    	NE = 0;
        F1 = fopen("SA.DIC", "a");
    	F1 = fopen("SA.DIC", "r");
    void fun1500() /* Set parameters */
    X = .05;                    /* Initial condition */
    Yy = .05;
    Z = .05;
    W = .05;
    XE = X + .000001;
    YE = Yy;
    ZE = Z;
    WE = W;
    fun2600();                  /* Get coefficients */
    T = 3;
    P = 0;
    LSUM = 0;
    N = 0;
    NL = 0;
    N1 = 0;
    N2 = 0;
    XMIN = 1000000;
    XMAX = -XMIN;
    YMIN = XMIN;
    YMAX = XMAX;
    ZMIN = XMIN;
    ZMAX = XMAX;
    WMIN = XMIN;
    WMAX = XMAX;
    TWOD = _rotl(1, D);
    void fun1700() /* Iterate equations */
    if (ODE > 1)
    	fun6200();              /* Special function */
    else {
    	M = 1;
    	XY[1] = X;
    	XY[2] = Yy;
    	XY[3] = Z;
    	XY[4] = W;
    	for (I = 1; I <= D; I++) {
    	XN[I] = A[M];
    	M = M + 1;
    	for (I1 = 1; I1 <= D; I1++) {
    	XN[I] = XN[I] + A[M] * XY[I1];
    	M = M + 1;
    	for (I2 = I1; I2 <= D; I2++) {
    	XN[I] = XN[I] + A[M] * XY[I1] * XY[I2];
    	M = M + 1;
    	for (I3 = I2; O > 2 && I3 <= D; I3++) {
    	XN[I] = XN[I] + A[M] * XY[I1] * XY[I2] * XY[I3];
    	M = M + 1;
    	for (I4 = I3; O > 3 && I4 <= D; I4++) {
    	XN[I] = XN[I] + A[M] * XY[I1] * XY[I2] * XY[I3] * XY[I4];
    	M = M + 1;
    	for (I5 = I4; O > 4 && I5 <= D; I5++) {
    	XN[I] = XN[I] + A[M] * XY[I1] * XY[I2] * XY[I3] * XY[I4] * XY[I5];
    	M = M + 1;
    		if (ODE == 1) XN[I] = XY[I] + EPS * XN[I];
    	XNEW = XN[1];
    	YNEW = XN[2];
    	ZNEW = XN[3];
    	WNEW = XN[4];
    N = N + 1;
    M = M - 1;
    void fun2100() /* Display results */
    if (N >= 100 && N <= 1000) {
    	if (X < XMIN) XMIN = X;
    	if (X > XMAX) XMAX = X;
    	if (Yy < YMIN) YMIN = Yy;
    	if (Yy > YMAX) YMAX = Yy;
    	if (Z < ZMIN) ZMIN = Z;
    	if (Z > ZMAX) ZMAX = Z;
    	if (W < WMIN) WMIN = W;
    	if (W > WMAX) WMAX = W;
    if ((int)N == 1000) fun3100();  /* Resize the screen */
    XS[P] = X;
    YS[P] = Yy;
    ZS[P] = Z;
    WS[P] = W;
    P = (P + 1) % 500;
    I = (P + 500 - PREV) % 500;
    if (D == 1) {
    	XP = XS[I];
    	YP = XNEW;
    else {
    XP = X;
    YP = Yy;
    if (N >= 1000 && XP > XL && XP < XH && YP > YL && YP < YH) {
    	if (PJT == 1) fun4100();    /* Project onto a sphere */
    	if (PJT == 2) fun6700();    /* Project onto a horizontal cylinder */
    	if (PJT == 3) fun6800();    /* Project onto a vertical cylinder */
    	if (PJT == 4) fun6900();    /* Project onto a torus */
    	fun5000();                  /* Plot point on screen */
    	if (SND == 1) fun3500();    /* Produce sound */
    void fun2400() /* Test results */
    if (fabs(XNEW) + fabs(YNEW) + fabs(ZNEW) + fabs(WNEW) > 1000000) T = 2;
    if (QM != 2) {              /* Speed up evaluation mode */
    	fun2900();              /* Calculate Lyapunov exponent */
    	fun3900();              /* Calculate fractal dimension */
    	if (QM == 0) {          /* Skip tests unless in search mode */
    		if (N >= NMAX) {    /* Strange attractor found */
    			T = 2;
    			fun4900();      /* Save attractor to disk file SA.DIC */
    		if (fabs(XNEW - X) + fabs(YNEW - Yy) + fabs(ZNEW - Z) + fabs(WNEW - W) < .000001) T = 2;
    		if (N > 100 && L < .005) T = 2; /* Limit cycle */
    if (kbhit()) Q = getch(); else Q = 0;
    if (Q) fun3600();           /* Respond to user command */
    if (SAV > 0) if (N > 1000 && N < 17001) fun7000();  /* Save data */
    X = XNEW;                   /* Update value of X */
    Yy = YNEW;
    Z = ZNEW;
    W = WNEW;
    void fun2600() /* Get coefficients */
    if (QM == 2) {              /* In evaluate mode */
    	fgets(CODE, 515, F1);
    	if (feof(F1)) {
    		QM = 0;
    		fun6000();          /* Update SA.DIC file */
    	else {
    		fun4700();          /* Get dimension and order */
    		fun5600();          /* Set colors */
    if (QM == 0) {              /* In search mode */
    	O = 2 + (int)floor((OMAX - 1) * (float)rand() / 32768.0);
    	CODE[0] = 59 + 4 * D + O + 8 * ODE;
    	if (ODE > 1) CODE[0] = 87 + ODE;
    	fun4700();              /* Get value of M */
    	for (I = 1; I <= M; I++) {  /* Construct CODE */
    	   fun2800();           /* Shuffle random numbers */
    	   CODE[I] = 65 + (int)floor(25 * RAN);
    	CODE[M + 1] = 0;
    for (I = 1; I <= M; I++) {  /* Convert CODE to coefficient values */
    	A[I] = (CODE[I] - 77) / 10.0;
    void fun2800() /* Shuffle random numbers */
    if (V[0] == 0) for (J = 0; J <= 99; J++) {V[J] = (float)rand() / 32768.0;}
    J = (int)floor(100 * RAN);
    RAN = V[J];
    V[J] = (float)rand() / 32768.0;
    void fun2900() /* Calculate Lyapunov exponent */
    X = XE;
    Yy = YE;
    Z = ZE;
    W = WE;
    N = N - 1;
    fun1700();                  /* Reiterate equations */
    DL2 = DLX * DLX + DLY * DLY + DLZ * DLZ + DLW * DLW;
    if (DL2 > 0) {              /* Check for division by zero */
    	DF = 1E12 * DL2;
    	RS = 1 / sqrt(DF);
    	XE = XSAVE + RS * (XNEW - XSAVE);
    	YE = YSAVE + RS * (YNEW - YSAVE);
    	ZE = ZSAVE + RS * (ZNEW - ZSAVE);
    	WE = WSAVE + RS * (WNEW - WSAVE);
    	XNEW = XSAVE;
    	YNEW = YSAVE;
    	ZNEW = ZSAVE;
    	WNEW = WSAVE;
    	LSUM = LSUM + log(DF);
    	NL = NL + 1;
    	L = .721347 * LSUM / NL;
    	if (ODE == 1 || ODE == 7) L = L / EPS;
    	if (N > 1000 && (int)N % 10 == 0) {
    		gotoxy(WID - 4, 1);
    		printf("%5.2f", L);
    void fun3100() /* Resize the screen */
    int poly[8];
    if (D == 1) {
    	YMIN = XMIN;
    	YMAX = XMAX;
    if (XMAX - XMIN < .000001) {
    	XMIN = XMIN - .0000005;
    	XMAX = XMAX + .0000005;
    if (YMAX - YMIN < .000001) {
    	YMIN = YMIN - .0000005;
    	YMAX = YMAX + .0000005;
    if (ZMAX - ZMIN < .000001) {
    	ZMIN = ZMIN - .0000005;
    	ZMAX = ZMAX + .0000005;
    if (WMAX - WMIN < .000001) {
    	WMIN = WMIN - .0000005;
    	WMAX = WMAX + .0000005;
    MX = .1 * (XMAX - XMIN);
    MY = .1 * (YMAX - YMIN);
    XL = XMIN - MX;
    XH = XMAX + MX;
    YL = YMIN - MY;
    YH = YMAX + 1.5 * MY;
    SW = (getmaxx() + 1) / (XH - XL);
    SH = (getmaxy() + 1) / (YL - YH);
    X0 = SW * XL;
    Y0 = SH * YH;
    YH = YH - .5 * MY;
    XA = (XL + XH) / 2;
    YA = (YL + YH) / 2;
    if (D > 2) {
    	ZA = (ZMAX + ZMIN) / 2;
    	if (TRD == 1) {
            setfillstyle(1, COLR[1]);
            poly[0] = 0;
            poly[1] = getmaxy() / 24;
            poly[2] = getmaxx();
            poly[3] = getmaxy() / 24;
            poly[4] = getmaxx();
            poly[5] = getmaxy();
            poly[6] = 0;
            poly[7] = getmaxy();
            fillpoly(4, poly);
    		fun5400();          /* Plot background grid */
    	if (TRD == 4) {
    		setfillstyle(1, WH);
            poly[0] = 0;
            poly[1] = getmaxy() / 24;
            poly[2] = getmaxx();
            poly[3] = getmaxy() / 24;
            poly[4] = getmaxx();
            poly[5] = getmaxy();
            poly[6] = 0;
            poly[7] = getmaxy();
            fillpoly(4, poly);
    	if (TRD == 5) {
    		moveto(SW * XA - X0, SH * YL - Y0);
    		lineto(SW * XA - X0, SH * YH - Y0);
    	if (TRD == 6) {
    		for (I = 1; I <= 3; I++) {
    			XP = XL + I * (XH - XL) / 4;
    			moveto(SW * XP - X0, SH * YL - Y0);
    			lineto(SW * XP - X0, SH * YH - Y0);
    			YP = YL + I * (YH - YL) / 4;
    			moveto(SW * XL - X0, SH * YP - Y0);
    			lineto(SW * XH - X0, SH * YP - Y0);
    if (PJT != 1) rectangle(0, getmaxy() / 24, getmaxx(), getmaxy());
    if (PJT == 1 && TRD < 5) circle(SW * XA - X0, SH * YA - Y0, 23 * getmaxy() / 48);
    TT = 3.1416 / (XMAX - XMIN);
    PT = 3.1416 / (YMAX - YMIN);
    if (QM == 2) {              /* In evaluate mode */
    	gotoxy(1, 1);
    	printf("<Space Bar>: Discard       <Enter>: Save");
    	if (WID >= 80) {
    		gotoxy(49, 1);
    		printf("<Esc>: Exit");
    		gotoxy(69, 1);
    		printf("%d K left", (int)((filelength(fileno(F1)) - ftell(F1)) / 1024.0));
    else {
    	gotoxy(1, 1);
    	if (strlen(CODE) < WID - 18)
    	else {
    		printf("%*.*s...", WID - 23, WID - 23, CODE);
    	gotoxy(WID - 17, 1);
    	printf("F =");
    	gotoxy(WID - 7, 1);
    	printf("L = ");
    TIA = .05;                  /* Tangent of illumination angle */
    XZ = -TIA * (XMAX - XMIN) / (ZMAX - ZMIN);
    YZ = TIA * (YMAX - YMIN) / (ZMAX - ZMIN);
    void fun3500() /* Produce sound */
    FREQ = 220 * pow(2, (int)(36 * (XNEW - XL) / (XH - XL)) / 12.0);
    DUR = 1;
    if (D > 1) DUR = pow(2, (int)floor(.5 * (YH - YL) / (YNEW - 9 * YL / 8 + YH / 8)));
    delay(55 * DUR);
    void fun3600() /* Respond to user command */
    if (Q > 96) Q = Q - 32;     /* Convert to upper case */
    if (QM == 2) fun5800();     /* Process evaluation command */
    if (strchr("ACDEHINPRSVX", Q) == 0) fun4200();  /* Display menu screen */
    if (Q == 'A') {
    	T = 1;
    	QM = 0;
    if (ODE > 1) D = ODE + 5;
    if (ODE == 1) D = D + 2;
    if (Q == 'C') if (N > 999) N = 999;
    if (Q == 'D') {
    	D = 1 + D % 12;
    	T = 1;
    if (D > 6) {
    	ODE = D - 5;
    	D = 4;
    else {
    	if (D > 4) {
    		ODE = 1;
    		D = D - 2;
    	else ODE = 0;
    if (Q == 'E') {
    	T = 1;
    	QM = 2;
    if (Q == 'H') {
    	FTH = (FTH + 1) % 3;
    	T = 3;
    	if (N > 999) {
    		N = 999;
    		fun5600();          /* Set colors */
    if (Q == 'I') {
    	if (T != 1) {
    		printf("Code? ");
    		I = 0;
    		CODE[0] = 0;
    		do {
    			CODE[I] = getche();
    			if (CODE[I] == 8 && I >= 0) I = I - 2;
    			if (CODE[I] == 27) {
    				I = 0;
    				CODE[I] = 13;
    		while (CODE[I++] != 13 && I < 506);
    		CODE[I - 1] = 0;
    		if (CODE[0] == 0) {
    			Q = ' ';
    		else {
    			T = 1;
    			QM = 1;
    if (Q == 'N') {
    	NMAX = 10 * (NMAX - 1000) + 1000;
    	if (NMAX > 1E10) NMAX = 2000;
    if (Q == 'P') {
    	PJT = (PJT + 1) % 5;
    	T = 3;
    	if (N > 999) N = 999;
    if (Q == 'R') {
    	TRD = (TRD + 1) % 7;
    	T = 3;
    	if (N > 999) {
    		N = 999;
    		fun5600();          /* Get dimension and order */
    if (Q == 'S') {
    	SND = (SND + 1) % 2;
    	T = 3;
    if (Q == 'V') {
    	SAV = (SAV + 1) % 5;
    	FAV[0] = 87 + SAV % 4;
    	T = 3;
    	if (N > 999) N = 999;
    if (Q == 'X') T = 0;
    void fun3900() /* Calculate fractal dimension */
    if (N >= 1000) {            /* Wait for transient to settle */
    	if ((int)N == 1000) {
    		D2MAX = pow(XMAX - XMIN, 2);
    		D2MAX = D2MAX + pow(YMAX - YMIN, 2);
    		D2MAX = D2MAX + pow(ZMAX - ZMIN, 2);
    		D2MAX = D2MAX + pow(WMAX - WMIN, 2);
    	J = (P + 1 + (int)floor(480 * (float)rand() / 32768.0)) % 500;
    	DX = XNEW - XS[J];
    	DY = YNEW - YS[J];
    	DZ = ZNEW - ZS[J];
    	DW = WNEW - WS[J];
    	D2 = DX * DX + DY * DY + DZ * DZ + DW * DW;
    	if (D2 < .001 * TWOD * D2MAX) N2 = N2 + 1;
    	if (D2 <= .00001 * TWOD * D2MAX) {
    		N1 = N1 + 1;
    		F = .434294 * log(N2 / (N1 - .5));
    		gotoxy(WID - 14, 1);
    		printf("%5.2f", F);
    void fun4100() /* Project onto a sphere */
    TH = TT * (XMAX - XP);
    PH = PT * (YMAX - YP);
    XP = XA + .36 * (XH - XL) * cos(TH) * sin(PH);
    YP = YA + .5 * (YH - YL) * cos(PH);
    void fun4200() /* Display menu screen */
    _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR);  /* Turn cursor off */
    while (Q == 0 || strchr("AEIX", Q) == 0) {
    	gotoxy(27, 1);
    	printf("%26cIBM PC TurboC Version 2.0\n", ' ');
    	printf("%26c(c) 1993 by J. C. Sprott\n", ' ');
    	printf("%26cA: Search for attractors\n", ' ');
    	printf("%26cC: Clear screen and restart\n", ' ');
    	if (ODE > 1) {
    		printf("%26cD: System is 4-D special map %c \n", ' ', 87 + ODE);}
    	else {
    		printf("%26cD: System is %d-D polynomial ", ' ', D);
    		if (ODE == 1) printf("ODE\n"); else printf("map\n");
    	printf("%26cE: Evaluate attractors\n", ' ');
    	printf("%26cH: Fourth dimension is ", ' ');
    		if (FTH == 0) printf("projection\n");
    		if (FTH == 1) printf("bands     \n");
    		if (FTH == 2) printf("colors    \n");
    	printf("%26cI: Input code from keyboard\n", ' ');
    	printf("%26cN: Number of iterations is 10^%1.0f\n", ' ', log10(NMAX - 1000));
    	printf("%26cP: Projection is ", ' ');
    		if (PJT == 0) printf("planar   \n");
    		if (PJT == 1) printf("spherical\n");
    		if (PJT == 2) printf("horiz cyl\n");
    		if (PJT == 3) printf("vert cyl \n");
    		if (PJT == 4) printf("toroidal \n");
    	printf("%26cR: Third dimension is ", ' ');
    		if (TRD == 0) printf("projection\n");
    		if (TRD == 1) printf("shadow    \n");
    		if (TRD == 2) printf("bands     \n");
    		if (TRD == 3) printf("colors    \n");
    		if (TRD == 4) printf("anaglyph  \n");
    		if (TRD == 5) printf("stereogram\n");
    		if (TRD == 6) printf("slices    \n");
    	printf("%26cS: Sound is ", ' ');
    		if (SND == 0) printf("off\n");
    		if (SND == 1) printf("on \n");
    	printf("%26cV: ", ' ');
    		if (SAV == 0) printf("No data will be saved       \n");
    		if (SAV > 0) printf("%c will be saved in %cDATA.DAT\n", FAV[0], FAV[0]);
    	printf("%26cX: Exit program", ' ');
        if (kbhit()) Q = getch(); else Q = 0;
    	if (Q) fun3600();       /* Respond to user command */
    void fun4700() /* Get dimension and order */
    D = 1 + (int)floor((CODE[0] - 65) / 4);
    if (D > 6) {
    	ODE = CODE[0] - 87;
    	D = 4;
    	fun6200();              /* Special function */
    else {
    	if (D > 4) {
    		D = D - 2;
    		ODE = 1;
    	else ODE = 0;
    	O = 2 + (CODE[0] - 65) % 4;
    	M = 1;
    	for (I = 1; I <= D; I++) {M = M * (O + I);}
    	if (D > 2) for (I = 3; I <= D; I++) {M = M / (I - 1);}
    if (strlen(CODE) != M + 1 && QM == 1) {
       printf("\a");            /* Illegal code warning */
       while (strlen(CODE) < M + 1) strcat(CODE, "M");
       if (strlen(CODE) > M + 1) CODE[M + 1] = 0;
    void fun4900() /* Save attractor to disk file SA.DIC */
    F1 = fopen("SA.DIC", "a");
    fprintf(F1, "%s%5.2f%5.2f\n", CODE, F, L);
    void fun5000() /* Plot point on screen */
    C4 = WH;
    if (D > 3) {
       if (FTH == 1) if ((int)floor(30 * (W - WMIN) / (WMAX - WMIN)) % 2) return;
       if (FTH == 2) C4 = 1 + (int)floor(NC * (W - WMIN) / (WMAX - WMIN) + NC) % NC;
    if (D < 3) {                /* Skip 3-D stuff */
    	putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, 15);
    if (TRD == 0) {
    	putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, C4);
    if (TRD == 1) {
    	if (D > 3 && FTH == 2) {
    		putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, C4);
    	else {
    		C = getpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0);
    		if (C == COLR[2]) {
    			putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, COLR[3]);}
    		else {
    			if (C != COLR[3]) {
    				putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, COLR[2]);
    	XP = XP - XZ * (Z - ZMIN);
    	YP = YP - YZ * (Z - ZMIN);
    	if (getpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0) == COLR[1]) {
    		putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, 0);
    if (TRD == 2) {
    	if (D > 3 && FTH == 2 && ((int)floor(15 * (Z - ZMIN) / (ZMAX - ZMIN) + 2) % 2) == 1) {
    		C = C4;}
    	else {
    		C = COLR[(int)floor(60 * (Z - ZMIN) / (ZMAX - ZMIN) + 4) % 4];
    	putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, C);
    if (TRD == 3) {
        putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, COLR[(int)floor(NC * (Z - ZMIN) / (ZMAX - ZMIN) + NC) % NC]);
    if (TRD == 4) {
    	XRT = XP + XZ * (Z - ZA);
    	C = getpixel(SW * XRT - X0, SH * YP - Y0);
    	if (C == WH) {
    		putpixel(SW * XRT - X0, SH * YP - Y0, RD);
    	if (C == BY) {
    		putpixel(SW * XRT - X0, SH * YP - Y0, BK);
    	XLT = XP - XZ * (Z - ZA);
    	C = getpixel(SW * XLT - X0, SH * YP - Y0);
    	if (C == WH) {
    		putpixel(SW * XLT - X0, SH * YP - Y0, BY);
    	if (C == RD) {
    		putpixel(SW * XLT - X0, SH * YP - Y0, BK);
    if (TRD == 5) {
    	HSF = 2;                /* Horizontal scale factor */
    	XRT = XA + (XP + XZ * (Z - ZA) - XL) / HSF;
    	putpixel(SW * XRT - X0, SH * YP - Y0, C4);
    	XLT = XA + (XP - XZ * (Z - ZA) - XH) / HSF;
    	putpixel(SW * XLT - X0, SH * YP - Y0, C4);
    if (TRD == 6) {
       DZ = (15 * (Z - ZMIN) / (ZMAX - ZMIN) + .5) / 16;
       XP = (XP - XL + ((int)floor(16 * DZ) % 4) * (XH - XL)) / 4 + XL;
       YP = (YP - YL + (3 - (int)floor(4 * DZ) % 4) * (YH - YL)) / 4 + YL;
       putpixel(SW * XP - X0, SH * YP - Y0, C4);
    void fun5400() /* Plot background grid */
    for (I = 0; I <= 15; I++) { /* Draw 15 vertical grid lines */
    	XP = XMIN + I * (XMAX - XMIN) / 15;
    	moveto(SW * XP - X0, SH * YMIN - Y0);
    	lineto(SW * XP - X0, SH * YMAX - Y0);
    for (I = 0; I <= 10; I++) { /* Draw 10 horizontal grid lines */
    	YP = YMIN + I * (YMAX - YMIN) / 10;
    	moveto(SW * XMIN - X0, SH * YP - Y0);
    	lineto(SW * XMAX - X0, SH * YP - Y0);
    void fun5600() /* Set colors */
    NC = 15;                    /* Number of colors */
    COLR[0] = 0;
    COLR[1] = 8;
    COLR[2] = 7;
    COLR[3] = 15;
    if (TRD == 3 || (D > 3 && FTH == 2 && TRD != 1)) {
    	for (I = 0; I <= NC; I++) COLR[I] = I + 1;
    WH = 15;
    BK = 8;
    RD = 12;
    BY = 11;
    void fun5800() /* Process evaluation command */
    if (Q == ' ') {
    	T = 2;
    	NE = NE + 1;
    if (Q == 13) {
    	T = 2;
    	NE = NE + 1;
    	fun5900();              /* Save favorite attractors to disk */
    if (Q == 27) {
    	fun6000();              /* Update SA.DIC file */
    	Q = ' ';
    	QM = 0;
    else {
    	if (strchr("CHNPRVS", Q) == 0) Q = 0;
    void fun5900() /* Save favorite attractors to disk file FAVORITE.DIC */
    F2 = fopen("FAVORITE.DIC", "a");
    fprintf(F2, CODE);
    void fun6000() /* Update SA.DIC file */
    gotoxy(9, 11);
    printf("Evaluation complete\n");
    gotoxy(8, 12);
    printf(" %d cases evaluated", (int)NE);
    F2 = fopen("SATEMP.DIC", "w");
    if (QM == 2) fprintf(F2, CODE);
    while (feof(F1) == 0) {
    	fgets(CODE, 515, F1);
    	if (feof(F1) == 0) fprintf(F2, CODE);
    rename("SATEMP.DIC", "SA.DIC");
    void fun6200() /* Special function definitions */
    ZNEW = X * X + Yy * Yy;       /* Default 3rd and 4th dimension */
    WNEW = (N - 100) / 900;
    if (N > 1000) WNEW = (N - 1000) / (NMAX - 1000);
    if (ODE == 2) {
    	M = 10;
    	XNEW = A[1] + A[2] * X + A[3] * Yy + A[4] * fabs(X) + A[5] * fabs(Yy);
    	YNEW = A[6] + A[7] * X + A[8] * Yy + A[9] * fabs(X) + A[10] * fabs(Yy);
    if (ODE == 3) {
    	M = 14;
    	XNEW = A[1] + A[2] * X + A[3] * Yy + ((int)(A[4] * X + .5) & (int)(A[5] * Yy + .5)) + ((int)(A[6] * X + .5) | (int)(A[7] * Yy + .5));
    	YNEW = A[8] + A[9] * X + A[10] * Yy + ((int)(A[11] * X + .5) & (int)(A[12] * Yy + .5)) + ((int)(A[13] * X + .5) | (int)(A[14] * Yy + .5));
    if (ODE == 4) {
    	M = 14;
    	XNEW = A[1] + A[2] * X + A[3] * Yy + A[4] * pow(fabs(X), A[5]) + A[6] * pow(fabs(Yy), A[7]);
    	YNEW = A[8] + A[9] * X + A[10] * Yy + A[11] * pow(fabs(X), A[12]) + A[13] * pow(fabs(Yy), A[14]);
    if (ODE == 5) {
    	M = 18;
    	XNEW = A[1] + A[2] * X + A[3] * Yy + A[4] * sin(A[5] * X + A[6]) + A[7] * sin(A[8] * Yy + A[9]);
    	YNEW = A[10] + A[11] * X + A[12] * Yy + A[13] * sin(A[14] * X + A[15]) + A[16] * sin(A[17] * Yy + A[18]);
    if (ODE == 6) {
    	M = 6;
    	if (N < 2) {
    		AL = TWOPI / (13 + 10 * A[6]);
    		SINAL = sin(AL);
    		COSAL = cos(AL);
    	DUM = X + A[2] * sin(A[3] * Yy + A[4]);
    	XNEW = 10 * A[1] + DUM * COSAL + Yy * SINAL;
    	YNEW = 10 * A[5] - DUM * SINAL + Yy * COSAL;
    if (ODE == 7) {
    	M = 9;
    	XNEW = X + EPS * A[1] * Yy;
    	YNEW = Yy + EPS * (A[2] * X + A[3] * X * X * X + A[4] * X * X * Yy + A[5] * X * Yy * Yy + A[6] * Yy + A[7] * Yy * Yy * Yy + A[8] * sin(Z));
    	ZNEW = Z + EPS * (A[9] + 1.3);
    void fun6700() /* Project onto a horizontal cylinder */
    PH = PT * (YMAX - YP);
    YP = YA + .5 * (YH - YL) * cos(PH);
    void fun6800() /* Project onto a vertical cylinder */
    TH = TT * (XMAX - XP);
    XP = XA + .5 * (XH - XL) * cos(TH);
    void fun6900() /* Project onto a torus (unity aspect ratio) */
    TH = TT * (XMAX - XP);
    PH = 2 * PT * (YMAX - YP);
    XP = XA + .18 * (XH - XL) * (1 + cos(TH)) * sin(PH);
    YP = YA + .25 * (YH - YL) * (1 + cos(TH)) * cos(PH);
    void fun7000() /* Save data */
    if ((int)N == 1001) {
    	F3 = fopen(FAV, "w");
    if (SAV == 1) DUM = XNEW;
    if (SAV == 2) DUM = YNEW;
    if (SAV == 3) DUM = ZNEW;
    if (SAV == 4) DUM = WNEW;
    fprintf(F3, "%f\n", DUM);

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Sep 2006
    Your program is for Turbo C (obviously), but has a few errors (like i not being declared in that function, but being used anyway), and void main(), which has a return 0.

    In the book, was the lower case i used as a variable, or was it just the uppercase I?

    Edit: Never Mind! Got it Working -- Quite a program (all lower case i's should be changed to uppercase i's)

    The easiest way to get this program running, is to go to the Borland Legacy site and d/l Turbo C/C++ v1.01 or the somewhat earlier, Turbo C v2.0.

    The header file conio.h, needs to be restored, and the wincon and wingbim headers, need to be removed.

    Both have the right header files, and run the program once you make the above changes

    Unions are just structs that overwrite each other, in the same memory space. The data type that overwrites it, can be of a different size. REGS is quite technical, having two structs for dealing with words and bytes.

    Turbo C follows the then-popular AT&T C standard. It's able to run a huge amount of code, even today. I use it a great deal, still.
    Last edited by Adak; 04-28-2010 at 10:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Apr 2010
    I live in Sherwood, Oregon. It's beautiful here!

    Thanks for the help

    Thank you for the help. Running into something like this can be frustrating when you don't know what's out there. Maybe there should be a section in the tutorials about older pieces of code and how to work with/around them.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Did you watch it run?

    If you set it for color on a visible dimension, (third iirc), it really does a nice job.

    I tried to capture a screen image, but my video card won't do that with the timing these drawings need. They fly right on by ====> Whoosh!!

    One of those great DOS programs, that still runs great. Nobody wants to have those dinosaurs mentioned much -- but we know.

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I live in Sherwood, Oregon. It's beautiful here!


    I've actually hit a bit of a stump, but I'm working through it. I am using Windows Vista, which won't support the Turbo C/C++ v1.01 executable files. I do have all of the libraries and should be able to integrate them into Eclipse. We'll see where this goes from here. I would like to see this program in action, the fractals in the book are very detailed.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    They are good looking - very creative!


  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Apr 2010
    I live in Sherwood, Oregon. It's beautiful here!

    Still more troubles

    I can't find a version of Turbo C/C++ v1.01 that will work on a modern pc running Vista. This is my only computer, so I have no other options. My OS won't even open the 16-bit executables. The only other thing I could think of was to take the necessary headers and insert them into the MinGW include files. This didn't work because the debugger says the Turbo C headers are full of syntax errors

    int _CType _creat (const char *__path, int __attribute);

    Where can I find a way to use Turbo C/C++ v1.01? If I can't, how can I "modernize" these headers without losing compatibility with my source code.
    (The headers all register as OK with my source code right now)

  8. #8
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by JungleJesus View Post
    I can't find a version of Turbo C/C++ v1.01 that will work on a modern pc running Vista. This is my only computer, so I have no other options. My OS won't even open the 16-bit executables.
    That has nothing to do with Vista and everything to do with your machine being 64 bit.

    Why not grab a copy of Bochs and install FreeDOS in it? You can run it under emulation.
    	if (a) do { f( b); } while(1);
    	else   do { f(!b); } while(1);

  9. #9
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    I'm running it on an Intel E6700 C2D, but the OS is WindowsXP (a 32 bit OS).

    FreeDOS sound like the way to go. Google "Borland Legacy", and you'll see the old compilers there. I'm using 1.01 of Turbo C/C++ (not quite the same as Turbo C, which was an earlier product).

    There is a readme file included, with install instructions. Follow them and your only problem may be with the window size it creates. (tends to be way too small).

    I'll help you with that, when I get back, if that's an issue.

  10. #10
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    I'm running it on an Intel E6700 C2D, but the OS is WindowsXP (a 32 bit OS).
    Really? 32-bit OS? XP ought to be able to run it then.

    Have you tried making a shortcut to it and setting the "Compatibility Mode" in the settings?
    	if (a) do { f( b); } while(1);
    	else   do { f(!b); } while(1);

  11. #11
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    XP runs it just fine, but you have to tweak the window settings, depending on your video card.

    Yes, I run it from a shortcut, on the desktop. I had to make some settings for the window Turbo C/C++ runs in, and I didn't want the same settings for all console windows properties.

    I don't run it in compatibility mode, however. That stays unchecked in the shortcut's properties.

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