I am runnning into a big wall in writing my C program. so my program has to handle 3 simple math equations using information entered by the user. the format of entry is indicated in the printf statements. whenever i try to debug this program it solves the first equation just fine but immediately brings up garbage for the next two equations. i am using dev-c++ to write the program and to me my code looks fine, i would very greatly appreciate any help someone could give me a hand. attached is a screenshot of whats happening and below is the code i am using:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

int varA, varB, varC, varD, varE, varF, varG, varH;
char ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4;
float varFA, varFB, varFC, varFD, varFE, varFF;

//Gather ints and perform the indicated operations

printf("Enter '(int * int) + (int / int) + (int %% int)': ");
scanf("(%d * %d)%*c%c%*c(%d / %d)%*c%c%*c(%d %% %d)",&varA,&varB,&ch1,&varC,&varD,&ch2,&varE,&varF);
printf("You Entered: (%d * %d) %c (%d / %d) %c (%d %% %d)\n",varA,varB,ch1,varC,varD,ch2,varE,varF);
printf("The Equation Is Equal To: %d\n",(varA * varB) + (varC / varD) + (varE % varF));

//Second expression: (a / b) * (b / a)
printf("Enter '(float / float) * (float / float)':\n ");
scanf("(%f / %f)%*c%c%*c(%f / %f)",&varFA,&varFB,&ch3,&varFC,&varFD);
printf("You Entered: (%f / %f) %c (%f / %f)\n",varFA,varFB,ch3,varFC,varFD);
printf("The Equation Is Equal To: %03f\n",(varFA / varFB) * (varFC / varFD));

//Third expression: (a - b) % (int)(c * d)
printf("Enter '(int - int) %% (float * float)':\n ");
scanf("(%d - %d) %% (%f * %f)",&varG,&varH,&ch4,&varFE,&varFF);
printf("You Entered: (%d - %d) %c (%f * %f)\n",varG,varH,ch4,varFE,varFF);
printf("The Equation Is Equal To: %d\n",(varG - varH) % (int)(varFE * varFF));

return 0;