Hi all, i started to do my task of programming, i need some help to understand and finish it
i am writing the whole task so you could understand what i am talking about:

" A point on the plane is represented as a stuct. A square is represented as a struct of four points. define corresponding types and functions for their initialization and "printing". Communication with functions by parameter only(only the main function is allowed to get data from the keyboard!) design also:
1- A function which check wheter four points really define a square.
2-A function which given a point and a value of the area of a square as input parameters returns four squares(define corresponding type) with sides parallel to x axis and y axis"

i started like this:
#include <stdio.h>
struct point{
float x;
float y;
typedef struct point POINT;
struct square{
struct point p1;
struct point p2;
struct point p3;
struct point p4;
typedef struct square SQUARE;

int main()
int point;
printf("point coordinate");

printf("enter data\n");