Ok, whenever i do any C i always seem to get stuck at this point:
I want to return a char array from a function to be used in main, like so:

char *editString(char *someString, char *someOtherString){
int i = 6;
someString = (char*) malloc(i+1);
someString = "hello";
someOtherString = (char*) malloc(i+1);
someOtherString = "byeee";

int main (){
char *someString, *someOtherString;
editString(someString, someOtherString);
printf("%s - %s\n", someString, someOtherString);
By my knowledge, this should work fine, but for some reason or other fails miserably, printing out the edited strings either results in strings of rubbish or nothing at all!