I have gotten thus far in my pacman game in dos:

1) The maze rendered
2) The pacman moved in the maze (along with collision detection with the walls)
3) Pills swallowed by pacman & score incremented

For those of you, who read my last thread concerning this, would know that I haven't made much of a significant leap but getting back to "the issues"...

My maze originally consists of 2's where the pills are, when the pacman moves over a grid with a pill in it, the pill is redrawn in black, however for the score to be correct, I need to set the grid where the pill has been "swallowed" by pacman to 0 - signifying empty space...

I tried doing the same with a simple line (that has been commented out) in the popPills function (line 503), however, the game runs haywire if that line is included & pretty soon the whole screen turns blue...can't figure out the problem !

Secondly, I am "spawning" my monster (the first one called korgy) from the structure pacman itself because the entire mechanism is going to be the same for the monster except for the way it moves...however, I can't see the monster figure on the screen

P.S. This bub runs on turbo c...I don't have any issues with the graphics on my system, but last that I heard from Adak, the graphics don't run as smoothly on other systems, sorry for the inconvenience !