Thread: loops, menu loops

  1. #1
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    Unhappy loops, menu loops

    so this is my
    int c;
    {printf("To play blackjack press 1:");scanf("%d", &c);}
    printf("Here we go\n");
    printf("Please only press 1.\n");
    return 0;
    //after the choice for rules has been made what string do i need to use in order to have this snippet loop back to the top and have it run the scanf all over again? like if the user presses 2 i want it to loop back up so that they can keep having the chance to enter it again instead of just ending the program and having to run "a.out"
    Last edited by gloworm; 04-11-2010 at 10:29 AM. Reason: had to put in my actual code!!

  2. #2
    Registered User claudiu's Avatar
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    Post your whole code. This looks bad for various reasons. One is that c==2 implies c!=1 so your conditions are wrong.

    As for the loop, I think what you want is a single do while loop with a switch inside that let's you select what you want to do based on the input.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by claudiu View Post
    Post your whole code. This looks bad for various reasons. One is that c==2 implies c!=1 so your conditions are wrong.

    As for the loop, I think what you want is a single do while loop with a switch inside that let's you select what you want to do based on the input.
    can you give me a small example of a switch statement, and i know that code is way wrong i just wanted to get the just of it, if i knew how to copy from "putty, onyx" and paste i would for sure cause my whole code needs help

  4. #4
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    You've mentioned this before, so we'll jump on it this time: do you know what putty is? Putty is just a way to log in to a remote machine. Almost certainly, you don't have to write your code remotely over putty; you can write (and check!) your code on your machine (if you don't have a compiler on your machine, why not? Go get code::blocks) and then upload it to the remote machine when it's finished (since if you've got ssh, you've probably got sftp too).

  5. #5
    Algorithm Dissector iMalc's Avatar
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    There are sooo many WTFs in just this small snippet of code:
    while(c==3 && c!=1 && c!=2);
    It's the most convoluted no-op I've ever seen!

    I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a code snippet!
    Start re-learning the basics of loops, if-statements, statement blocks, and general structured programming techniques.
    Last edited by iMalc; 04-10-2010 at 06:18 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by claudiu View Post
    Post your whole code. This looks bad for various reasons. One is that c==2 implies c!=1 so your conditions are wrong.

    As for the loop, I think what you want is a single do while loop with a switch inside that let's you select what you want to do based on the input.
    so i put in my actual code instead so maybe now without all of the make shift stuff you could give me your opinion again please.

  7. #7
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gloworm View Post
    so i put in my actual code instead so maybe now without all of the make shift stuff you could give me your opinion again please.
    You're joking right?

    if (c==)
    if c equals what?

    printf("Here we go\n");
    I really hope you intend this to be your main loop of "the game is played in here", otherwise writing a loop structure for something you only want to have happen once is inane.

    printf("Please only press 1.\n");
    And again. Since c will never equal one, and for that matter there's no way to change c inside the loop, this won't ever loop. Extra fun: if the only thing the program does is play blackjack, why are you giving them the choice? Just go.

    IMO this entire swatch of code could go up in flames and it would only make your program better. There doesn't seem to be anything here worth saving. You should write down what you want to have happen, in an organized way (like a flowchart or pseudocode algorithm) before you start typing.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tabstop View Post
    You're joking right?

    if (c==)
    if c equals what?

    printf("Here we go\n");
    I really hope you intend this to be your main loop of "the game is played in here", otherwise writing a loop structure for something you only want to have happen once is inane.

    printf("Please only press 1.\n");
    And again. Since c will never equal one, and for that matter there's no way to change c inside the loop, this won't ever loop. Extra fun: if the only thing the program does is play blackjack, why are you giving them the choice? Just go.

    IMO this entire swatch of code could go up in flames and it would only make your program better. There doesn't seem to be anything here worth saving. You should write down what you want to have happen, in an organized way (like a flowchart or pseudocode algorithm) before you start typing.
    good point and sorry about my bad typing i guess i need to learn to review my posts to avoid getting sarcastic answer and no answers at all, ill work on that. But your right i really dont need to give them the option. thanks

  9. #9
    Registered User claudiu's Avatar
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    glowworm, i still don't see your code. Post your entire code no matter how wrong and let's work from there.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by claudiu View Post
    glowworm, i still don't see your code. Post your entire code no matter how wrong and let's work from there.
    #define DECKSIZE 52
    #define VALUE 9
    #define FACE 4
    typedef struct {
            int value;
            char* suit;
            char* name;
    Card cards[DECKSIZE];
    char *faceName[]={"two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine",
    char *suitName[]={"spades","diamonds","hearts","clubs"};
    void printDeck(){
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<6000;i++){
    int j = i+ rand()%(6000-i);
    //printf("shuffle  card%d with card %d\n", this, that);
    int main(){
            int suitCount=0;
            int faceCount=0;
            int i;
    int P_hand, D_hand;
    P_hand=rand() %52+1;
    D_hand=rand() %52+1;
    printf("%s of %s,----%s of %s\n ",cards[1].name,cards[3].suit,cards[4].name,cards[2].suit );
    printf("%s of %s,----%s of %s\n",cards[1].name,cards[3].suit,cards[4].name,cards[2].suit  );
            return 0;

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by claudiu View Post
    glowworm, i still don't see your code. Post your entire code no matter how wrong and let's work from there.
    i posted my code so far but im really having questions on how i can assign the value of the cards printed and use that total to determine whether or not to hit or stand and to identify bust, blackjack and to assign the printf functions at the end of the code with the P_hand and the D_hand. hopefully you can understand my giberish
    Last edited by gloworm; 04-12-2010 at 04:38 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tabstop View Post
    You're joking right?

    if (c==)
    if c equals what?

    printf("Here we go\n");
    I really hope you intend this to be your main loop of "the game is played in here", otherwise writing a loop structure for something you only want to have happen once is inane.

    printf("Please only press 1.\n");
    And again. Since c will never equal one, and for that matter there's no way to change c inside the loop, this won't ever loop. Extra fun: if the only thing the program does is play blackjack, why are you giving them the choice? Just go.

    IMO this entire swatch of code could go up in flames and it would only make your program better. There doesn't seem to be anything here worth saving. You should write down what you want to have happen, in an organized way (like a flowchart or pseudocode algorithm) before you start typing.
    my code is posted so let me know where i need to go from there. you can see where im stuck cause all its doing now is printing out the random cards but i still need it to total the value of the posted cards and determine if its a blackjack, and then if the user decides to hit if they bust or not. Youll see

  13. #13
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    Apparently this forum has become gloworm's Blackjack forum. Nice.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by rags_to_riches View Post
    Apparently this forum has become gloworm's Blackjack forum. Nice.
    sorry im just lost and have no one to help. I have the books but im trying to learn on my own so i thought that people in these forums would be helpful. Sorry for all the questions but im just trying to learn

  15. #15
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    No one cares that you ask multiple questions. They care that you have FOUR threads going now on the SAME topic.

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