
I'm not going to post all my code where cause it's quite large, instead, I'll post the things that I think are important and hopefully are enough for you to help me out.

My hash table structure is like this:

typedef void * HashKey;
typedef void * HashValue;

typedef struct sHa........em {
    HashKey key;
    HashValue value;

    char status;
} Ha........em;

typedef struct sHashTable {
    Ha........em *items;

    int count;
    float load;
    int size;

    Bool (*compare)(HashKey, HashKey);
    unsigned (*hash)(void *);
} HashTable;
The signature for my insert function goes like this:

Bool hashInsert(HashTable * const table, HashKey key, HashValue value);
And somewhere inside that function, when I find a free bucket in the hash table, I do this:

table->items[index].key = key;
table->items[index].value = value;
table->items[index].status = USED;
table->load = ++table->count / (float)table->size;
All this presents a few problems:

1) As you can see above I'm simply setting each key/value pair of the free bucket to the same pointer passed as the key/value hashInsert function arguments. This presents a problem as you may have already noticed... For instance, doing something like this:

char str[50];
scanf("%s%*c", str);
hashInsert(t1, (HashKey)str, (HashValue)5);
scanf("%s%*c", str);
hashInsert(t1, (HashKey)str, (HashValue)3);
And if the input is "KeyA" and then "KeyB", both will have "KeyB" as the buckets keys. The same thing applies to the value and not just the key since they are basically the same type because I want to have my code fully modular, for any data type.

How could I solve this?

My first though is to use strdup(str) and pass that to the hashInsert function. That would solve the problem. And since this was handled in the main code, I could easily use malloc() too for any other data type I need to pass as the value (the key will probably always be a string or an int).

But this solution presents another problem...

2) How should I free this allocated memory? Sure, it was allocated by the "main programmer" and not the "hash table module programmer" so, the "main programmer" should free it in the main code, right? However, that doesn't look much like modular code to me.

My code also has a hashDestroy function, to free all the allocated memory. But how can I use this function to free everything? I can't just iterate over every key/value and use free() on them cause maybe some of them weren't malloc'd by any programmer in the first place and I don't need to free them.

How can I find out which ones my hashDestroy must free and which ones it shouldn't?

3) To finish, I guess I can also throw this issue into the mix... In point one, my suggestion was to use strdup() or malloc to "fix" that specific problem (while introducing another) but that also don't look very modular to me. This memory allocation should be done in the hash table module code and not in the main code by the "main programmer".

How do you suggest I solve this? I mean, the data types can be anything and while the use of strdup() helps a lot, it only works for strings. What if I need to allocate memory for some specific structure or just an int?

Sorry for the big post but I think these questions are all related and I need some help figuring them out since my C knowledge is not that extreme. I only recently learned about void* so...

Lol, my code above as a forbidden word and it's being represented as dots. I guess it doesn't matter and you guys still understand the code just fine.