Hi, i sort of know the answer to these questions but im not sure exactly .. any help wud be appreciated ..
1)Reproduce layout of following programe
#include <stdio.h>
#define NMAX 10
int main()
unsigned int n, m=5;
int value [NMAX]={0};
char label[] ="data";
for(n=0; n<NMAX; n++);
value[n]= n % m;
printf("%s[%2u]=%2d\n", label, n, value[n]);
return 0;
2)write a short C prgram that will carry out the following:
a)repeatedly prmpt the user to enter a real number, exiting when the user enters the value 0.0 and
b)enter running total of all numbers entered

3)what info does each fo the following C statements provide the comiler
struct vector{float x; float y; float z;};
struct vector position
struct vector Cross_product( struct vector a, struct vector b);