I'm writing a program that counts all of the tokens in a given file ("search"). I can count the number of "#" signs in the file, but I need to name a number of other tokens... {}()/... and output how many where found in the file.

Can anyone offer suggestions as to the best method to accomplish this? Right now I am thinking of having each value set up as it's own variable - such as delim1 = #, delim2 = {, and then creating a function from my current code to call each time. Is there a more efficent/faster method? Here is my current code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80

int main()
	char line[MAX_LINE];   /*  Max length of line is 80 */
	char delim[] = "#";       /* Testing just # delim */
	char *words, 
	FILE *fptr;
	int count = 0;
	int ch;
	int linect;

	fptr = fopen ("search", "r");    /* Test file "search" */
	/* File does not exist or there are not proper permissions set */
	if (fptr==NULL)
		printf ("\nCannot open the file\n\n");
	/* While the file is not at EOF, End of File, loop */
	while ((ch=fgetc(fptr)) !=EOF)
		/* Reads a line from the file and sets the ptr variable to the line */
		linect = linect++;
		 printf("Line reads: %s\n", ptr);
		/* Loop while looking for delims, when no delims are found it is NULL */
		while ((words = strtok(ptr, delim)) != NULL)   
			printf("Strtok result: %s\n", words);
			ptr = NULL;  
	printf("\nNumber of delims in the file: %d \n\n",(count-linect)); 
	return 0;
This is working with just one delim on the two lines included in the "search" file below:

This # is a # test # file.