I am currently working on a new c language project that is supposed to deal with structures and linked lists. A description of the end program is listed below...

Load a set of student records from a file into a linked list structure
Sort the data structure by last name then the first name and print out to another file
The first line of the opened file will tell how many students there are in the list
Decide the appropriate data type and size based on the test data

Include a main program file, c program with maintenance functions, and a header file

I have recently started working on this and have not put in all of the parts just yet. As of right now I have a c program with the function, main function, and a header file. The problem that I am having right now is in the c program with functions. I am currently working on loading the file and sorting the file....

The error messages for the loading are as follows:

incompatible pointer type for fscanf
student undeclared
too few arguements for fgets

The error messages for the sorting are as follows:

fprintf from incompatible pointer type

I understand that the code that I have written is wrong, but I am not sure how I would go about scanning in the list from the opened file as well as sorting through the data. If anyone would have any ideas about how I could possibly go about doing this, it would be definately appreciated. Thanks!

Header File

typedef struct Student             //Defines Structure
        char first_name[40];       //First Name
        char last_name[40];        //Last Name
        char street[20];           //Street Name
        char city[20];             //City Name
        char state[2];             //State Initials
        int zipcode;               //Zipcode
        int hours;                 //Number of hours
        int feespaid;              //Fees Paid

        struct Student *next;      //Points to the next
} StudentLink;

StudentLink * createNode(int x);            //Creates New Student

void LoadStudent(StudentLink *root);        //Loads set of student records

void SortStudent(StudentLink *root);        //Sorts through the student records

void PrintStudent(StudentLink *root);       //Prints out the records

void DeleteStudent(StudentLink *root);      //Prototype Function: Deletes Records

Main Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "student.h"      //Includes the student library that was made

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    StudentLink *root, *temp, *prev;   //Linked List
    int x;                             //integer used for the loops
    int choice;                        //Choice number for switch statement
    int number;                        //Number of student in the new record

    printf("To create a new list of students, enter 1\n");
    printf("To load a file list of students, enter 2\n");
    scanf("%d",&);  //What case to choose
    switch(choice)  //Switch Statement
                  case "1":
                           printf("How many students would you like to create?");
                           scanf("%d",&number);      //How many student are going to be in the link list
                               root = NULL;       //Sets the root to null
                               prev = NULL;       //Sets the prev to null
                               for (x = 0; x < number; x++)
                                    temp = createNode(x);    //Creates another student
                                    printf("Enter the first name: ");  //First Name
                                    scanf("%s", temp->first_name);
                                    printf("Enter the last name: ");   //Last Name
                                    scanf("%s", temp->last_name); 
                                    printf("Enter the street address: ");     //Street
                                    scanf("%s", temp->street);
                                    printf("Enter the city: ");       //City
                                    scanf("%s", temp->city);
                                    printf("Enter the zipcode: ");    //Zipcode
                                    scanf("%d", &(temp->zipcode));
                                    printf("Enter the amount of hours: ");     //Hours
                                    scanf("%d", &(temp->hours));
                                    printf("Enter the amount of fees paid: "); //Fees
                                    scanf("%d", &(temp->feespaid));

                                    if (root == NULL) root = temp;         //Assigns root as temp
                                    if (prev != NULL) prev->next = temp;   //Assigns prev as next
                                    prev = temp;
                               SortStudent(root);     //Function to sort
                               PrintStudent(root);    //Function to print
                               DeleteStudent(root);   //Function to free up memory
                     case "2":
                              LoadStudent(root);      //Function to load 
                              SortStudent(root);      //Function to sort
                              PrintStudent(root);     //Function to print
                              DeleteStudent(root);    //Function to free up memory

     return 0; 

C Program with Functions

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "student.h"         //Student Header File

StudentLink *createNode(int zipcode)           //Creates a new student  
            StudentLink *temp;                 //Declaring temp
            temp = malloc(sizeof(StudentLink));          
            temp->next = NULL;                 
            temp->zipcode = zipcode;                        //Temp is assigned to x
            return temp;                       //Returns the temp to the main program

void LoadStudent(StudentLink *root)            //Loads a file of student records
     StudentLink *temp;
     FILE *fp;
     char filename[40];      //Filename of the file to open
     char mode[3];
     char *fgets(char*str, int z, FILE *fp);
     int x;
     int z;

     printf("Enter file name ");
     gets(filename);         //Recieving the filename
     printf("Enter mode ");
     gets (mode);

     if( (fp = fopen(filename, mode)) != NULL)
                printf("You have successfully opened the file\n");

                temp = root;
                for( x = 0; x < z; x++)       //counting up through the number of students

                fgets(student.first_name);    //Scanning in the first name on the opened file
                temp = temp->next;      //Moves the temp up to the next set in the linked list


             fclose (fp);       //Closes the file           

        printf("File cannot be opened...");  //Error check


void SortStudent(StudentLink *root)
     StudentLink *temp, *prev, *changeme;
     int x;
     int number;
     for(x = 0; x < number; x++)
           Student.last_name = *temp;
           Student.last_name2 = *prev;
         if(strcmp(Student.last_name, Student.last_name2) < 0
         if (strcmp(Student.first_name, Student.first_name2) < 0


void PrintStudent(StudentLink *root)      //Prints out the student records
     StudentLink *temp;
     printf("First Name\t");              //Header for the First Name
     printf("Last Name\t");               //Header for the Last Name
     printf("Fees Paid");
     printf("\n\n\n");                    //Line Break for style
     temp = root;
     while(temp != NULL)                  //Loop for printing out the students
                printf("%s\t", temp->first_name);    //Prints out the student's first name
                printf("%s\t", temp->last_name);     //Prints out the student's last name
                printf("%s\t", temp->street);
                printf("%s\t", temp->city);
                printf("%s\t", temp->state);
                printf("%d\t", temp->zipcode);
                printf("%d\t", temp->hours);
                printf("%d\t", temp->feespaid);
                temp = temp->next;            //Moves on to the next student

void DeleteStudent(StudentLink *root)         //Frees up the memory of the program
     StudentLink *temp, *deletethis;
     temp = root;
                deletethis = temp;            //Temp is named to be freed
                temp = temp->next;            //Moves onto the next
                free(deletethis);             //Frees this particular temp