Hi all, first allow me to apologize if there is an answer to my question already in the forums... I did some searching, but didnt find anything that related directly to my question.

I am currently playing around with the pthread library and attempted a very simple example. The test consists of adding a single value to a large array of pixels/an image (large being 10 000x5 000 indecies).

My current implementation (below) consists of two methods: one for performing the addition operation and one for managing the threads. The addition function takes a struct containing the arguments: a pointer to an image/array-containing-struct and two vertical boundaries. The addition function then operates on the paramaterized image within the given boudaries.

The second function creates two threads: one for each half of the image/array.

While the task is completed without error, there is NO speed increase in comparison to a non-threaded addition function.

Here is the code I have for the two functions (I can post the other source and header files if someone would like to compile the example).

Image * add5Threaded(Image * image)

	addArgs arg1;
	arg1.height0 = 0;
	arg1.height1 = image->height/2;
	arg1.image = image;
	addArgs arg2;
	arg2.height0 = image->height/2;
	arg2.height1 = image->height;
	arg2.image = image;
	pthread_t tid1;
	pthread_t tid2;
	int ret;
	ret = pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, add5_algorithm, &arg1);
	ret = pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, add5_algorithm, &arg2);
	pthread_join(tid1, NULL);
	pthread_join(tid2, NULL);
	return image;
void * add5_algorithm(addArgs * args)
	Pixel pixel;
	int x, y;
	for(y = args->height0; y < args->height1; y++) {
		for(x = 0; x < args->image->width; x++) {
			pixel = getPixel(args->image, x, y);
			pixel.r += 100;
			pixel.b += 100;
			pixel.g += 100;
				setPixel(args->image, x, y, pixel);
				fixPixel(args->image, x, y);
for reference, the arguments:
typedef struct struct_addArgs {
	int height0;
	int height1;
	Image * image;
Also, when I use mutexs, the code takes FOREVER. Im guessing this is the deadlock problem I read about?

Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated!!
