in this code I'm trying to make a function that will perform a circulated shift of the numbers in an array, for example:
123 become 312
I have a bug in the code that I don't find !
(the user give the times for shifting)
thank for the helpers


void shift_to_end(int array[],int size)
	int i = 0, temp = 0;
	for(i = size; i > 0 ; --i)
		temp = array[i];
		array[i] = array[i-1];
		array[0] = temp;


#define ARRAY_SIZE 10

int main()
	int numbers[ARRAY_SIZE];
	int i = 0, shift = 0 ;

   printf("Please enter 10 numbers:\n");

   for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; ++i)
      scanf(" %d", &numbers[i]);

   printf("please enter times to shift\n");
		scanf("%d", &shift);

for (i=1; i <= shift; ++i);
	shift_to_end(numbers, ARRAY_SIZE);
/* print the shifted array */
    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
        printf("%d", numbers[i]);

    return 0;
