Thread: Hi, Quiz C program

  1. #1
    The Dragon Reborn
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Dublin, Ireland

    Hi, Quiz C program

    I'm a first year CS student, and we have our first assignment. We have to make a quiz with a menu that will keep re-displaying
    2. and so on. But i can't enter 2 without choosing 1 and i cant display 3 without choosing 1 and answering 2. I've written the whole code..but the validation is getting to me. I have no idea what to do..i have used if and while loops but i keep getting blocked out. If use characters like underscore the loop i use to redisplay the menu goes i have to find a way to fix that/ but I'm not sure how to tell the scanf to display error if character is inputted. Also, I'm thinking of using char you'll see in my source code..well i used that..but default: always exits out of the loop and i cant tell it to redisplay instead of exiting.
    Please help and i hope u understand what i'm trying to say lol..
    Oh and however this code is crap im proud of it..its the longest code i've ever no plagiarism! I have till Nov. 19 so ur help will be appreciated as soon as possible thanks.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /*this code is for to ask a number of questions in a quiz contest re-displaying a menu */
        int i ;
        int one, two, three, four ;
        int answer1 = 2 ;
        int answer2 = 9 ;
        int answer3 = 24;
        int answer4 = 100;
        char yesno ;
        int num1 ;
        int option = 3 ;
                                printf("         \n   ") ;
                                printf("      ((----))\n") ;
                                printf("      <--<\\\\_//>->\n") ;
                                printf("           | |   \n") ;
                                printf("          (===)\n") ;
                                printf("\n") ;
                                printf("    QUIZZITCH  CUP\n") ;//This is just some drawing of the prize cup that the winner would have
                printf("\n") ;
            printf("1. Enter the number of questions to be asked for this round of the quiz\n") ; 
            printf("2. Start quiz\n") ;
            printf("3. Display the numbers of questions that were (i) correctly (ii) incorrectly\n") ;
            printf("4. Exit Program\n") ;
            scanf("%d", &option) ;//waits for an input for 1, 2, 3 or 4
            while(option!=1 && option!=4)
                printf("You must choose 1 before you can proceed to quiz\n") ;
                scanf("%d", &option) ;
                i++ ;
            switch(option) //the switch option allows me to choose number of questions i want .
                case 1:
                    printf("1. One question\n") ;
                    printf("2. Two questions\n") ; 
                    printf("3. Three questions\n") ;
                    printf("4. Four questions\n") ; 
                    scanf("%d", &num1) ; //this scanf to read in the option for the number questions to be answered
                case 2: 
                    switch(num1)//start of option 2 using num1 as a variable of numbers of questions to be asked 
                        case 1:
                            printf("What is 1+1: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &one) ;
                            if(one == answer1)
                                printf("%d is Correct!\n",answer1) ;
                                printf("Incorrect!Answer is: %d\n",answer1) ;
                        }//end of case 1 of question 1 
                        case 2:
                            printf("1. what is 1+1: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &one) ;
                            if(one == answer1) 
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is: %d\n", answer1) ;
                            printf("2. what is 3 * 3: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &two) ;
                            if(two == answer2)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is: %d\n", answer2) ;
                            break ;
                        }//end of question 2
                        //case 3
                        case 3:
                            printf("1. what is 1+1: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &one) ;
                            if(one == answer1)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is %d\n", answer1) ;
                            printf("2. what is 3 * 3: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &two) ;
                            if(two == answer2)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is %d\n", answer2) ;
                            printf("3. what is 4!: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &three) ;
                            if(three == answer3)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is %d\n",answer3) ;
                            break ;
                        case 4:
                            printf("1. what is 1+1: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &one) ;
                            if(one == answer1)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is %d\n", answer1) ;//one
                            printf("2. what is 3 * 3: * \n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &two) ;
                            if(two == answer2)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is %d\n",answer2) ;
                            printf("3. what is 4!: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &three) ;
                            if(three ==answer3)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                                printf("Incorrect! Answer is %d\n", answer3) ;
                            printf("4. what is 800/2*4: *\n") ;
                            scanf("%d", &four) ;
                            if(four == answer4)
                                printf("Correct!\n") ;
                               printf("Incorrect! Answer is %d\n", answer4) ;
                            break ; 
                    break ;
                }//end of case 2 of switch(option)
                case 3:                  //beginning of case 3. case 3 shows how many questions the user answer correctly
                        //by checking the various possibilities the user could have answered the question
                            printf("i. You got 1 Correct!\n") ;
                            printf("ii. You got 1 Incorrect!!\n") ;
                        break ; 
                        if(one == 2 && two == 9)
                            printf("i. You got 2 Correct!\n") ;
                            printf("ii. You got none Incorrect!!\n") ;
                        else if(one == 2 && two!= 9||one!=2 && two == 9)
                            printf("i. You got 1 Correct!\n") ;
                            printf("ii. You got Everything Incorrect!!\n") ;
                        break ;
                        if(one != 2 && two !=9 && three == 24||one != 2 && two == 9 && three != 24||one == 2 && two != 9 && three != 24)
                            printf("i. You got 1 Correct!\n") ;
                            printf("ii. You got 2 Incorrect!!\n") ;
                            break ;
                        else if(one == 2 && two == 9 && three != 24||one != 2 && two == 9 && three == 24||one == 2 && two != 9 && three == 24)
                            printf("i. You got 2 Correct!\n") ;
                            printf("ii. You got 1 Incorrect!!\n") ;
                            break ;
                        else if(one==2 && two==9 && three==24)
                            printf("i. You got Everything Correct\n") ;
                            printf("i. You got Everything Incorrect!!\n") ;
                        if(one == 2 && two !=9 && three != 24 && four != 100||one != 2 && two == 9 && three != 24 && four != 100||one != 2 && two != 9 && three == 24 && four!= 100||one != 2 && two != 9 && three != 24 && four==100)
                            printf("i.  You got 1 correct!\n") ;
                            printf("ii. You got 3 incorrect!!\n") ;
                            break ;
                        else if(one != 2 && two != 9 && three == 24 && four == 100||one == 2 && two == 9 && three != 24 && four != 100|| one != 2 && two == 9 && three == 24 && four != 100|| one == 2 && two != 9 && three != 24 && four == 100)
                            printf("i. you got 2 correct\n") ;
                            printf("ii. you got 2 incorrect\n") ;
                            break ;
                        else if(one != 2 && two == 9 && three == 24 && four == 100||one == 2 && two != 9 && three == 24 && four == 100||one == 2 && two == 9 && three != 24 && four== 100||one == 2 && two == 9 && three == 24 && four!= 100)
                            printf("i. You got 3 Correct!\n") ;
                            printf("ii. You got 1 Incorrect!!\n") ;
                            break ;
                        else if(one == 2 && two == 9 && three == 24 && four == 100)
                            printf("i. You got everything Correct\n") ;
                            break ;
                            printf("i. you got everything Incorrect\n") ;
                            break ;
                }//end of switch(num1)
                case 4:
                    printf("Are you sure you want to exit quiz?\n") ;
                    printf("Y/N") ;
                    printf("\n") ;
                    scanf("%1s", &yesno) ;
                    if(yesno== 'Y'|| yesno == 'y')
                        exit(0) ;
                    clrscr() ;
                    break ; /*user must input y to quit*/
                    printf("Can't you follow simple instructions?\n") ;
                    break ; 
        }while(option==1 || option==2 ||option==3 || option == 4) ;
        getch() ;
    Last edited by Eman; 11-11-2009 at 04:16 PM.

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