
This is my first post on this forums. I have been learning a bit of C++ in the past and got to the point where I was able to write a drawing program (Console drawing program, where you "draw" with characters. Program had a few different brushes, two layers, save and load capabilities). Now I want to suspend my learning of C++ and switch over to C and learn it well before I switch back to C++ and throw myself at OOP, classes and stuff. Reasons for this, no matter how illogical they seam, are my own

My question is this:
Since I am using <stdio.h> instead of <iostream>, I cant find an equivalent of cin.get() in stdio. I need it to stop the program from finishing... i.e. when I wrote Hello world program in C using stdio, upon its execution I saw a console window flashing for a millisecond without seeing the results of a program. Can anyone help?