so im making a periodic table of elements and im outlining each box wiht ascii codes, but it has a back background and makes my code look ........ty, is there any way to make the background trasnparent on it or change the background color while keeping the color the same for the ascii thing itself. here is my code to see what i mean

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <graph.h>

void main()
    char Daniel[2],Tr[2],Tl[2],Br[2],Bl[2],Vertical[2],Horizontal[2];
    int Row,Col,k;
    Daniel[0]     = 178;
    Daniel[1]     = '\0';
    Tr[0]         = 191;
    Tr[1]         = '\0';
    Tl[0]         = 218;
    Tl[1]         = '\0';
    Br[0]         = 217;
    Br[1]         = '\0';
    Bl[0]         = 192;
    Bl[1]         = '\0';
    Vertical[0]   = 179;
    Vertical[1]   = '\0';
    Horizontal[0] = 196;
    Horizontal[1] = '\0';


    _outtext("First Column");

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 48; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 10; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 2, Col + 35);

    // row 2-8

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 3, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 8; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 5, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 3, Col + 43 );

    // row 9 - 15

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 10, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 5; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 14, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 3; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 12, Col + 43 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 10, Col + 43 );
    // Row 16-22

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 17, Col + 36 );

    k = 0;
    while ( k < 4)
        for ( Row = 0; Row < 2; Row++)
            for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
                _settextposition( Row + 17 +k, Col + 36 + k );
        k = k +1;

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 17, Col + 39 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 17, Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 19, Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 21, Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 6; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 17, Col + 43 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 3; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 19, Col + 41 );

    // rows 23-29

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 24, Col + 36 );

    k = 0;
    while ( k < 3 )
        for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
            for ( Col = 0; Col < 2; Col++)
                _settextposition( Row + 26 -k, Col + 36 + 2 * k );
        k = k + 1;

    k = 0;
    while ( k < 3 )
        for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
            for ( Col = 0; Col < 2; Col++)
                _settextposition( Row + 26 + k, Col + 36 + 2 * k );
        k = k + 1;

    // rows 30 - 36

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 31, Col + 36 );

    k = 0;
    while ( k < 3 )
        for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
            for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
                _settextposition( Row + 33 + k, Col + 37 + k );
        k = k + 1;

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 4; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 31, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 3; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 31, Col + 39 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 33, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 31, Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 2; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row * 2 + 33, Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 3; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 33, Col + 43 );

    // rows 37 - 43

    k = 0;
    while ( k < 3 )
        for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
            for ( Col = 0; Col < 2 ; Col++)
                _settextposition( Row + 40 + k, Col + 36 + k );
        k = k + 1;

    k = 0;
    while ( k < 3 )
        for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
            for ( Col = 0; Col < 2 ; Col++)
                _settextposition( Row + 40 - k, Col + 36 + k );
        k = k + 1;

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 3; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row * 2 + 38 , Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 3; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 38, Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 3; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 40, Col + 43 );

    // rows 44-50
    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 45, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 4; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 45, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 47, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 4; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 46, Col + 41 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 3; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 47, Col + 41 );

    // borders first column
    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 2, Col + 45 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 2, Col + 34 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 8, Col + 45 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 8, Col + 34 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 5; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 2; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 3, Col * 11 + 34 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 2; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 8; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row *  6 + 2, Col + 36 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 49; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 2, Col +46 );

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 53, Col+35);
            printf("%1d", Col + 35);

    for ( Row = 0; Row < 1; Row++)
        for ( Col = 0; Col < 1; Col++)
            _settextposition( Row + 54, Col + 44);
            printf("%1d", Col + 44);