Hey guys, found the forums while searching for anything to help me with my current homework assignment in my C class. This is my 3rd programming class, the previous 2 being in C++ and this in C. I've made it 75% through the semester on my own but I'm stuck and need some help.

Part 1 of the assignment:

For this assignment you are going to write a simple chat server. The server is going to accept two client connections and then relay the input data to the other client.
The server port will be the first command line argument. We will use telnet as the client. It should run until one of the clients starts a line with "quit" ( or the telnet escape character '^]' ). At that point all of the socket must be closed correctly.

My current code for the server side:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAGIC_PORT_NUM 15000
#define BUF_SIZE 512

int main( int argc, char ** argv )
		char buf1[ BUF_SIZE ];
		char bytes1;
		char buf2[ BUF_SIZE ];
		char bytes2;
		int rc1;
		int io_sd1;
		int io_sd2;
		int listen_sd;
		int foo;

		struct protoent * proent_ptr = getprotobyname ( "tcp" );
		int proto_num = proent_ptr->p_proto;
		struct sockaddr_in serv;
		struct sockaddr_in client1;
		struct sockaddr_in client2;
		socklen_t cli_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
		int port_num = MAGIC_PORT_NUM;

		if ( argc > 1 )
				port_num = atoi( argv[1] );

		listen_sd = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, proto_num );
		if ( -1 == listen_sd )
				fprintf( stderr, "socket error\n" );
		printf( "listen_sd = %d\n", listen_sd );

		/* setup the serv sockaddr */
		serv.sin_family = PF_INET;/* match what socket got */
		serv.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( INADDR_ANY );/* network byte order */
		serv.sin_port = htons( port_num );

		rc1 = bind( listen_sd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv, 
						sizeof( struct sockaddr_in ) );
		if ( -1 == rc1 )
				fprintf( stderr, "bind error\n" );
		printf ( "listening on port %d\n", port_num );

		rc1 = listen( listen_sd, 10 );
		if ( -1 == rc1 )
				fprintf( stderr, "listen error\n" );
		printf ( "listening, waiting on accept\n" );

		/* this blocks waiting for the connect from the client */
		io_sd1 = accept( listen_sd, (struct sockaddr *)&client1, &cli_len );
		if ( -1 == io_sd1 )
				fprintf( stderr, "client 1 accept error\n" );
		printf( "io_sd1 = %d\n", io_sd1 );

		io_sd2 = accept( listen_sd, (struct sockaddr *)&client2, &cli_len );
		if ( -1 == io_sd2 )
				fprintf( stderr, "client 2 accept error\n" );
		printf( "io_sd2 = %d\n", io_sd2 );

		/* now we can do IO */
		/*client 1 read what is typed and send to client2 */
		/*then client 2 read what is typed and send to client1 */
		foo = 1;
		while (foo)
				read(io_sd1, buf1, sizeof(buf1));
				if (strcmp(buf1, "quit\n")==0) 
					close( io_sd1 );
					close( io_sd2 );
					close( listen_sd );
				bytes1 = sprintf ( buf1, buf1);
				write( io_sd2, buf1, bytes1 );

				read(io_sd2, buf2, sizeof(buf2));
				if (strcmp(buf2, "quit\n")==0) 
					close( io_sd1 );
					close( io_sd2 );
					close( listen_sd );
				bytes2 = sprintf ( buf2, buf2);
				write( io_sd1, buf2, bytes2 );

		return 0;
My current problem is at the end of the code, both of the clients need to be able to type back and forth to each other indefinitely until one of them types "quit." How can I create a loop to keep going until this happens? My current infinite for loop and strcmp is completely wrong. They don't need to be able to talk at the same time, it's ok if the clients only alternate back and forth in a loop.

Also, if you can help me figure out how I need to handle this part of the assignment that would be great too:
"NOTE: When data is sent with telnet each line will end with carriage return and newline ( no NULL ). Send it back that way or it may not display correctly on the client."

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.