I have to develop a linked list similar to one I found asked about on this site:

xor linked list

Mine has a twist though.

The function signatures include pointers to pointers for the head and tail, along with the integer number.

Here is my source.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "rndm.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

#define init_seed
#define set_range
#define SIZERANGE 100

typedef struct node
	int data;
	unsigned long link;
}node ;

node *head, *tail;

void insert(node **head,node **tail, int n)
	node *prev, *cur, *next, *tmp;
	node *newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));
	head = &cur;
	prev = NULL;	

	while(cur->data < n)
                next = (node *)(cur->link ^ (unsigned long)prev);
                prev = cur;
                cur = next;
	newnode->link ^= (unsigned long) prev ^(unsigned long) cur;
	prev->link ^= (unsigned long) cur ^ (unsigned long) newnode;
	cur->link ^= (unsigned long) prev ^ (unsigned long) newnode;

}//end insert

void delete(node **head, node **tail, int n)


void list(node *head)


main ()
	int startRange, endRange, n,i;
	long inputSeed;
	printf("Seed: ");
	scanf("%l\n", &inputSeed);

	printf("Range: ");
	scanf("%d %d\n", &startRange, &endRange);
	set_range(startRange, endRange);

	for(i=0; i <= SIZERANGE; i++)
		insert(&head, &tail, rndm());	

I am only working on the insert method at this time. I am kind of just code pushing for the declarations in that function, no really knowledge on what I should be doing. I am very confused with the **head and **tail variables.

Can someone kind of give me a push in the right direction concerning how this function should be operating and the variable declarations?
