if you want to know how actually you C code is compiled and works with the processor ..

I would study assembly language and also some digital logic to get the feell of how its all working ...

its a very tedious work ..

A good book on assembly that teahes you digital logic , architec ture disgn ..for both CISC IA32 and RISC PPC , ARM and MIPS ..

Amazon.com: Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: For Pentium and RISC Processors eBook: Sivarama P. Dandamudi: Kindle Store


Amazon.com: Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design (9780387952116): Sivarama P. Dandamudi: Books


Amazon.com: Guide to RISC Processors: for Programmers and Engineers (9780387210179): Sivarama P. Dandamudi: Books

After you are done with those books ..which give you the basics .. i am currently on chapter 6 of the first book as posted above ..

I can write a simple C code ..say just something with int main and then watch its assembler file and see how the compiler actually works with it ..further more ..

i can add if else , structures , points and so own and graduly study the asm code .to see how the compiler does its thing and what intructions are being used to make you C logic ..usefull to the CPU ...

i myself would like to get into digital electronics and embedded ..
If you need to find where to get these books for very cheap prise .. send me a message and then we can talk about it ..

by any chance heard of Reverse engieering ?that could help you alot right now ..

I am quite proud to say that i ahve done asm code..that for example doing matric multiplication , get binary value convert to hex .. hex to decimal .. string to decial ..atc in ASM ..

if you need a helping hand .. i am around and i can teach you enought to get threw ..anyways .. let me know .. i am always here to help ..