Thread: Program review

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Program review

    Hey, I posted on here the other night with some problems I was having with a program I'm writing for a Computer Science course. I've finally got it up and working but I feel like I could make it a lot more friendly looking.

    The purpose of this program is to accept text from a file, given through the command line, and reverse that text and print it out on the screen.

    I was wondering if anyone could show me how to make my code more efficient while keeping it alive.

    Here's my code:

    /* Libraries */
    # include <stdio.h>
    # include <string.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    int revString( char *src, FILE *fhold ); /* Prototype for fuction */
    int main ( int argc, char * argv[ ] ) 
    	char inString [ 128 ];		/* holds string input from files 	   */
    	char numberLines [ 100 ];	/* used to number lines (option) 	   */
    	char fileName [ 50 ];		/* used to hold the name of the file 	   */	
    	FILE * inptr;			/* FILE ptr as defined in stdio.h          */
    	int i, j;                       /* counters for loops                      */
    	int lineNum = 1;		/* lineNum counts the number of lines	   */
    	int end = 0;			/* end quits the loop when file is scanned */
    	/* The following checks the command line arguments */
    	/* to make sure they are valid and check for the   */
    	/* 		"-n" argument.			   */
    	if( argc == 1 ) {
    		printf( "Please enter a filename. Syntax: ./rev \"-n option\" \"filename\"\n" );
    		return 0; /* Quit so nothing will break */
        	else if( argc == 2 )
    		strcpy( fileName, argv[ 1 ] );
        	else if ( argc == 3 )
    		strcpy( fileName, argv[ 2 ] );			/* Copy the name of the file from the cmd line	*/
    		strcpy( numberLines, argv[ 1 ] );       	/* Copy the second argument (better be "-n")	*/
                    if ( strcmp( numberLines, "-n" ) != 0 ) {	/* Use strcmp() to see if cmd arg is "-n"	*/
                        printf( "Invalid Syntax: ./rev \"-n option\" \"filename\"\n" );
                        return 0; /* Quit so nothing will break */
    		printf( "Please enter a filename. Syntax: ./rev \"-n option\" \"filename\"\n" );
          		return 0;
    	/* Check to see if the file can be opened */
        	if ( ( inptr = fopen( fileName, "r" ) ) == NULL ) {
     		printf( "File could not be opened.\n" );
              	return 0; /* File cannot be opened so quit */
            /* Power house of the program. This while statement will */
            /* be in charge of scaning the file, numbering the lines */
            /*          , and printing the text in reverse.          */
            while( end != 1)
                 end = revString( inString, inptr );
                 /* Checking for EOF */
                 if( feof( inptr ) != 0)
                    end = 1;
                 /* Prints line number, if option is in use */
                 if( strcmp( numberLines, "-n" ) == 0) {
                    printf( "%d ", lineNum );
                 /* Begin scanning the file */
                 for( i = 0; inString[ i ] != '\0'; i++ );
                 /* If there is a newline char, we don't want it */
                 if( inString[ i ] == '\n') {
                /* Now the array is printed in reverse */
                while( i >= 0) {
                    printf("%c", inString[ i ]);
                lineNum = lineNum + 1; /* 1, 2, 3... */
                for ( j = 0; j < 127; j++ ) {
                    inString[ j ] = '\0';
    	fclose( inptr ); /* Close the file when finished   */
    	return 0;	 /* returns int to make main happy */	
    } /* End main() */
    int revString( char *src, FILE * fhold )
        if( fgets( src, 81, fhold ) != NULL ) {
             if ( src[ 0 ] == '\n' ) {
                 return ( revString( src, fhold ) );
             else {
                 return 0;
         else {
            return 1;

  2. #2
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Waterloo, Texas
    1) You should have posted this to your existing thread.
    2) You haven't fixed the problems that were already addressed.

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