Thread: A little help please

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Sep 2009

    A little help please

    Hi guys, Im currently having some problems with my project which i think the problem is in my programming. First of all my project is Heart Rate EKG Monitor using MSP430FG439 to measure ur heart rate which will be displayed on the LCD on the board. I connected this board to a Zigbee module(XBee) thru UART port, which will broadcast the Heart Rate reading to another Zigbee base which then be displayed on another terminal.

    1. Connections is UART TX(EKG) -> UART Data IN(XBEE)

    2.This is the program for UART on my EKG board. Is there anything i did wrongly?

    // Initialize and enable UART
    P2SEL|=BIT4; // P2.4 = TXD
    UCTL0 |= SWRST; // UART SWRST = 1
    ME1 |= UTXE0; // Enable UART0 TXD
    UCTL0 |= CHAR; // 8-bit char, SWRST=1
    UTCTL0 |= SSEL1; // UCLK = SMCLK
    UBR00 = 18; // 115200 from 2.097152MHz
    UBR10 = 0;
    UMCTL0 = 0x2c; // Modulation = 0.2044
    UCTL0 &= ~SWRST; // UART SWRST = 0, enable UART

    3. I just cant seem to send my output into my Xbee module.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Oct 2001
    Do you know that you actually have an open connection? I assume you're actually calling something like open and are doing a write some place?

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Sep 2009


    This is my whole code, im not sure what open circuit you are talking about.

    #include  <msp430xG43x.h>
    #include "math.h"
    #define PB_2_0 (1 << 0)                                      // Push Button on P2.0
    #define PB_2_1 (1 << 1)                                      // Push Button on P2.1
    #define d 0x08
    #define c 0x04
    #define b 0x02
    #define a 0x01
    #define h 0x80
    #define e 0x40
    #define g 0x20
    #define f 0x10
    // variables declaration
    static char beats;
    int Datain, Dataout, Dataout_pulse, pulseperiod, counter, heartrate;
    // Lowpass FIR filter coefficients for 17 taps to filter > 30Hz
    static const int coeffslp[9] = {
         5225, 5175, 7255, 9453, 11595, 13507, 15016, 15983, 16315 };
    // Highpass FIR filter coefficients for 17 taps to filter < 2Hz
    static const int coeffshp[9] = {
         -763, -1267, -1091, -1867, -1969, -2507, -2619, -2911, 29908 };
    // Character generator definition for display
    const char char_gen[] = {
        a+b+c+d+e+f,                                             // 0 Displays "0"
        b+c,                                                     // 1 Displays "1"
        a+b+d+e+g,                                               // 2 Displays "2"
        a+b+c+d+g,                                               // 3 Displays "3"
        b+c+f+g,                                                 // 4 Displays "4"
        a+c+d+f+g,                                               // 5 Displays "5"
        a+c+d+e+f+g,                                             // 6 Displays "6"
        a+b+c,                                                   // 7 Displays "7"
        a+b+c+d+e+f+g,                                           // 8 Displays "8"
        a+b+c+d+f+g,                                             // 9 Displays "9"
    // undefines
    #undef a
    #undef b
    #undef c
    #undef d
    #undef e
    #undef f
    #undef g
    #undef h
    // function prototypes
    void Init(void);                                             // Initializes device for the application
    void ClearLCD(void);                                         // Clears the LCD memory
    int filterlp(int);                                           // 17 tap lowpass FIR filter
    int filterhp(int);                                           // 17 tap highpass FIR filter
    long mul16(register int x, register int y);                  // 16-bit signed multiplication
    int itobcd(int i);                                           // 16-bit hex to bcd conversion
    // main function
    void main(void)
    {   Init ();                                                 // Initialize device for the application
       {LPM0;                                                    // Enter LPM0 needed for UART TX completion
        Dataout = filterlp(Datain);                              // Lowpass FIR filter for filtering out 60Hz
        Dataout_pulse = filterhp(Dataout)-128;                   // Highpass FIR filter to filter muscle artifacts
        Dataout = Dataout >> 6;                                  // Scale Dataout to use scope program
        if(Dataout>255)                                          // Set boundary 255 max
        Dataout=255;                                             //
        if(Dataout<0)                                            // Set boundary 0 min
        Dataout=0;                                               //
     // DAC12_0DAT = Dataout;                                    // For scope display
        TXBUF0 = Dataout;                                        // Transmit via UART0 for Scope display
        counter++;                                               // Debounce counter
        pulseperiod++;                                           // Pulse period counter
        if (Dataout_pulse > 48)                                  // Check if above threshold
        { LCDM10 |= 0x0f;                                        // Heart beat detected enable "^" on LCD
        counter = 0;}                                            // Reset debounce counter
        if (counter == 128)                                      // Allow 128 sample debounce time
        {LCDM10 = 0x00;                                          // Disable "^" on LCD for blinking effect
        if (beats == 3)
        {beats = 0;
     // heartrate = itobcd(30720/pulseperiod);                   // Calculate beat to beat heart rate per min
        heartrate = itobcd(92160/pulseperiod);                   // Calculate 3 beat average heart rate per min
        pulseperiod = 0;                                         // Reset pulse period for next measurement
        LCDMEM[0] = char_gen[heartrate & 0x0f];                  // Display current heart rate units
        LCDMEM[1] = char_gen[(heartrate & 0xf0) >> 4];           // tens
        LCDMEM[2] = char_gen[(heartrate & 0xf00) >> 8];}}        // hundreds
    // Initialization function
    void Init( void )
    {   FLL_CTL0 |= XCAP18PF;                                    // Set load capacitance for xtal
        WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;                                // Disable the Watchdog
        while ( LFOF & FLL_CTL0);                                // wait for watch crystal to stabilize
        SCFQCTL = 63;                                            // 32 x 32768 x 2 = 2.097152MHz
        BTCTL = BT_fLCD_DIV128;                                  // Set LCD frame freq = ACLK/128
    // Initialize and enable LCD peripheral
        ClearLCD();                                              // Clear LCD memory
        LCDCTL = LCDSG0_3 + LCD4MUX + LCDON ;                    // 4mux LCD, segs0-23 enabled
    // Initialize and enable GPIO ports
        P1OUT = 0x00 + BIT3;                                     // Clear P1OUT register, INA turned ON
        P1DIR = 0x3f;                                            // Unused pins as outputs, Comparator pins as inputs
        P2OUT = 0x00;                                            // Clear P2OUT register
        P2DIR = 0xff;                                            // Unused pins as outputs
        P2DIR = ~(PB_2_0+PB_2_1);                                // P2.0 and P2.1 push buttons
        P2IES = 0x00;                                            // Interrupt edge low to high transition
        P2IFG = 0x00;                                            // Clear pending P2 interrupts
        P2IE = PB_2_0 | PB_2_1;                                  // Enable intterupts for push buttons
        P3OUT = 0x00;                                            // Clear P3OUT register
        P3DIR = 0xff;                                            // Unused pins as outputs
        P4OUT = 0x00;                                            // Clear P4OUT register
        P4DIR = 0xff;                                            // Unused pins as outputs
        P5OUT = 0x00;                                            // Clear P5OUT register
        P5DIR = 0xff;                                            // Unused pins as outputs
        P5SEL = 0xfc;                                            // Set Rxx and COM pins for LCD
        P6OUT = 0x00;                                            // Clear P6OUT register
        P6SEL = 0xff;                                            // P6 = Analog
    // Initialize and enable UART
        P2SEL|=BIT4;                                             // P2.4 = TXD
        UCTL0 |= SWRST;                                          // UART SWRST = 1
        ME1 |= UTXE0;                                            // Enable UART0 TXD
        UCTL0 |= CHAR;                                           // 8-bit char, SWRST=1
        UTCTL0 |= SSEL1;                                         // UCLK = SMCLK
        UBR00 = 18;                                              // 115200 from 2.097152MHz
        UBR10 = 0;
        UMCTL0 = 0x2c;                                           // Modulation = 0.2044
        UCTL0 &= ~SWRST;                                         // UART SWRST = 0, enable UART
    // Initialize and enable ADC12
        ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON + SHT0_4 + REFON + REF2_5V;          // ADC12 ON, Reference = 2.5V for DAC0
        ADC12CTL1 = SHP + SHS_1 + CONSEQ_2;                      // Use sampling timer, TA1 trigger
        ADC12MCTL0 = INCH_1 + SREF_1;                            // Vref, channel = 1 = OA0 Out
        ADC12IE = BIT0;                                          // Enable interrupt for ADC12 MEM0
        ADC12CTL0 |= ENC;                                        // Enable conversions
    // Initialize and enable Timer_A
        TACTL = TASSEL0 + MC_1 + TACLR;                          // ACLK, Clear TAR, Up Mode
        TACCTL1 = OUTMOD_2;                                      // Set / Reset
        TACCR0 = 63;                                             // 512 samples per second
        TACCR1 = 15;                                             //
    // Initialize and enable DAC12x
        DAC12_0CTL = DAC12OPS + DAC12CALON + DAC12IR + DAC12AMP_2 + DAC12ENC;// DAC0 enable
        DAC12_1CTL = DAC12CALON + DAC12IR + DAC12AMP_2 + DAC12ENC;           // DAC1 enable
        DAC12_1DAT = 0x099A;                                     // Offset level = 1.5V for op amp bias
    // Initialize and enable opamps
        OA0CTL0 = OAP_1 + OAPM_1 + OAADC1;                       // OA0 enable power mode 1, OA0- = P6.0, 0A0+ = P6.2, OA0O = P6.1
        OA0CTL1 = OARRIP;                                        // General purpose mode, no Rail-to-Rail inputs
        OA1CTL0 = OAP_3 + OAPM_1 + OAADC1;                       // OA1 enable power mode 1, OA1- = P6.4, OA1+ = DAC1, OA1O = P6.3
        OA1CTL1 = OARRIP;                                        // General purpose mode, no Rail-to-Rail inputs
        OA2CTL0 = OAP_3 + OAPM_1 + OAADC1;                       // OA2 enable power mode 1, OA2+ = DAC1, OA2O = P6.5, Select inputs, power mode
        OA2CTL1 = OAFC_1 + OARRIP;                               // Unit gain Mode, no Rail-to-Rail inputs
        _EINT();                                                 // Enable global Interrupts
    } //init
    void ClearLCD(void)
    {   int i;                                                   //
        for( i = 0; i < 16; i++){                                // Clear LCDMEM
        LCDMEM[i] = 0;                                           //
    }//clear LCD
    int itobcd(int i)                                            // Convert hex word to BCD.
    {   int bcd = 0;                                             //
        char j = 0;                                              //
        while (i > 9)                                            //
        {bcd |= ((i % 10) << j);                                 //
        i /= 10;                                                 //
        j += 4;}                                                 //
        return (bcd | (i << j));                                 // Return converted value
    }// itobcd(i)
    int filterlp(int sample)                                     // Lowpass FIR filter for EKG
    {   static int buflp[32];                                    // Reserve 32 loactions for circular buffering
        static int offsetlp = 0;
        long z;
        int i;
        buflp[offsetlp] = sample;
        z = mul16(coeffslp[8], buflp[(offsetlp - 8) & 0x1F]);
        for (i = 0;  i < 8;  i++)
        z += mul16(coeffslp[i], buflp[(offsetlp - i) & 0x1F] + buflp[(offsetlp - 16 + i) & 0x1F]);
        offsetlp = (offsetlp + 1) & 0x1F;
        return  z >> 15;                                         // Return filter output
    }// int filter
    int filterhp(int samplehp)                                   // Highpass FIR filter for hear rate
    {   static int bufhp[32];                                    // Reserve 32 loactions for circular buffering
        static int offsethp = 0;
        long z;
        int i;
        bufhp[offsethp] = samplehp;
        z = mul16(coeffshp[8], bufhp[(offsethp - 8) & 0x1F]);
        for (i = 0;  i < 8;  i++)
        z += mul16(coeffshp[i], bufhp[(offsethp - i) & 0x1F] + bufhp[(offsethp - 16 + i) & 0x1F]);
        offsethp = (offsethp + 1) & 0x1F;
        return  z >> 15;                                         // Return filter output
    }// int filterhp
    #pragma vector = PORT2_VECTOR
    __interrupt void Port2ISR (void)
    {   P2IFG = 0;
    }//Push buttons unused
    #pragma vector = ADC_VECTOR                                  // ADC12 ISR
    __interrupt void ADC12ISR (void)
    {   Datain = ADC12MEM0;                                      // Store converted value in Datain
        LPM0_EXIT;                                               // Exit LPM0 on return
    }// ADC12ISR

  4. #4
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Oct 2001
    I didn't mean opening a circuit. I meant opening a file. Generally all writing and reading is done by file descriptors. If you send across a port to another computer, it's done just like reading or writing files to disk. It's all generally treated the same way.

    So what I was getting at was "did you really open the <device>"? Meaning, do you know for sure you're really accessing it.

    Most of this isn't going to help anyone help you, because none of us know really what your functions actually do, and if you're using it correctly. Furthermore, it looks like you're probably doing direct hardware access via pointers to specific memory slots (think: old video programing), which again isn't going to help any of us know if you're messing it up.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    This board is intended for questions about the C language and standard libraries, typically not low level questions regarding the hardware of different microcontrollers. You may want to ask your question somewhere like MSP430 Discussion Group/Forum on

    That being said, it looks like you may not be waiting for each byte to transmit before sending the next byte. This could result in skipped or possibly corrupt bytes (depending on the hardware). Consider polling the UART TX ready flag before writing to TXBUF0. I haven't used your specific processor, but the datasheet/manual should give more information. You should also put a scope on the output pin of the UART to see if any bit transitions are occurring. If nothing is happening, it's probably a hardware issue or problem in Init().

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