I have this homework assigned for my programming class and I'm having trouble writing the following formula:

Time (in minutes) = (12 – | 12 – t |)*g/a

where t is equal to the time of day (in military time)
a is equal to parking spots availabe
and g is equal to parking permits given

   int main () {
       int t, a, g;
       double total_time_to_wait;
       printf("What hour are you looking for parking?\n");
       scanf("%d", &t);
       printf("How many sports are availabe this semester?\n");
       scanf("%d", &a);
       printf("How many parking permits were given this semester?\n");
       scanf("%d", &g);
       total_time_to_wait= (12-|(12-t)|)*(g/a);
       printf("You will have to wait %.2lf to find parking.", total_time_to_wait);
       return 0;

Not really sure if I'm writing the right way