ok, I've just read through the IF statement tutorials and found that make the basic programs is pretty easy

but, I'm currently stuck on a problem...

"The Program should read an automobile speed (in km/h) and print the message “Speeding” if the speed exceeds 59kmh. The program should then also calculate the appropriate fine, $80 for 1-10kmh above the limit, $150 for 11-30kmh above the limit, $500 for 31kmh or more above the limit."

I have no idea how to seperate the speeds into different categories...I tried doing this...
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	int speed;

	printf( "Enter Speed:" );
	scanf( "%d", &speed );
	if ( speed < 59 ) {
	  printf( "Not Speeding!\n");
	else if ( speed >=59 ) && ( speed <=69 ){
	  printf( "Speeding! Fine:$80\n" ) ;
	else {
	  printf( "Speeding!\n" );
	return 0;
just to get me started I tried just doing an $80 fine between 60 and 70 but everytime I try to run it I get

error: syntax error before '{' token|

I think it must have something to do with AND ( speed <=69) because before I added it in, it was working