I am a bit puzzled by the following program (found at one of the tutorials on const keyword)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
	const int my_age = 24;

	printf("\n%d", my_age);
	//my_age = 25; Will generate error

	printf("\n%p", &my_age);
	printf("\n%p", my_age);

	*(int *)(&my_age) = 25;
	printf("\n%d", my_age);
	printf("\n%p", &my_age);
	printf("\n%p", my_age);

	return 0;
Though const prefixed variable cannot be changed but it said that using the pointer notation it could be changed. That is fine. My doubt is that i have my_age equal to some integer value say it is 25. And address of my_age is say 0x000012ff.

Now the notation that these guys use is

*(int *)(&my_age) = 25;

I can understand what it is doing. But when i went i thought that even using the following expression should change the value

*(&my_age) = 25; (Value at address of my_age equals to 25, but it does not work)

Why appending (int *) works ? I can understand that its a typecast or may be because by default (&my_age) returns a (void *).

Any thoughts ????????