Operators 	                                           Associativity 

() [] -> .	                                                   left to right
! ~ ++ -- + - * (type) sizeof	                       right to left
* / % 	                                                       left to right
+ - 	                                                           left to right

I was reading the 2nd chapter of K&R's The C programming language and came up accross this table.What i mentioned above is just a part of it.

I was confused by the 2nd ,3rd and 4th rows. As we can see in the second we have +-*
and in the 3rd we have * and in the 4th +-. Why the same thing is shown in different rows? Why is their Associativity different ?
And what is meant by associativity.Is it that if the same operator is available in the same expression ?

As i continued reading i came upon

x = f() + g();

where it said that the result is unpredictable.But wouldnt it go from left to right ? It should first it calculates the f() and then g() ... ?

Im confused with all of these ... Any help would be great .Thank you