
Revisiting c programming after oh ages (15 years :-() and writing a pointer to a struct.
The program at the bottom gives me

Struct Alpha using values is 9, 7, 2.434000:
Address of pointer ptr1 is 134510852
Size of struct is 12
Values are 9 , 7 and 0.000000
Using -> notation x is 9
Using -> notation y is 7
Using -> notation depth is 2.434000

However I cannot see for the life of me why
printf("Values are %d , %d and %f\n",*ptr1, *ptr1, *ptr1);

Values are 9 , 7 and 0.000000

Why does the same reference (right term?) give different results and more specifically the first two values in the instance of my struct ?

TIA Paul

 * File:   newmain.c
 * Author: paulj
 * Created on 10 June 2009, 20:11

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    struct Position {
        int x;
        int y;
        float depth;

    struct Position Alpha;
        Alpha.x = 9;
        Alpha.y = 7;
        Alpha.depth = 2.434;
    struct Position * ptr1;
    ptr1 = &Alpha;

    printf("Struct Alpha using values is %d, %d, %f:\n", Alpha.x, Alpha.y, Alpha.depth);
    printf("Address of pointer ptr1 is %d\n",ptr1);
    printf("Size of struct is %d\n",sizeof(Alpha));
    printf("Values are %d , %d and %f\n",*ptr1, *ptr1, *ptr1);

    printf("Using -> notation x is %d\n",ptr1->x);
    printf("Using -> notation y is %d\n",ptr1->y);
    printf("Using -> notation depth is %f\n",ptr1->depth);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);