Hi All

The original idea was posted struct-property name is in char* by matsp

So, to summarize the problem: Suppose you have the following struct
struct CONFIG {
  char *my_val
  char *other_val
And you have a function that returns one of the two strings of this struct as follows:
char* function get_config_property(char* prop_name) {
  // prop_name contains "my_val" or "other_val"
  // -> access propterty using 'prop_name' and return it
Below is the code I wrote to accomplish this (using matsp idea):
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char* getProperty(char *name ) ;
char* setProperty(char *name, char *value ) ;

struct CONFIG
    char *abc ;
 } *config ;

struct propentry
    ptrdiff_t offset;
    const char *name;

#define PE(a) { offsetof(struct CONFIG, a), #a }
struct propentry proptable[] =

int main(void) {
    config = (struct CONFIG*)malloc(sizeof(config)) ;
    setProperty("abc", "hello") ;
    printf("MAIN TEST1, abc=%d\n", config->abc) ;
    printf("MAIN TEST2, abc=%d\n", getProperty("abc")) ;
    return 0;

char* setProperty(char *name, char *value )
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(proptable)/sizeof(proptable[0]); i++)
        if (strcmp(proptable[i].name, name) == 0)
           char *ptr = (char *)(((char *)config) + proptable[i].offset);
           ptr = value;
    return NULL;

char* getProperty(char *name )
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(proptable)/sizeof(proptable[0]); i++)
        if (strcmp(proptable[i].name, name) == 0)
             char *ptr = (char *)(((char *)config) + proptable[i].offset);
             return ptr;
    return NULL;
This code compiles and executes, but doesn't produce the correct output. I have the feeling that I'm very close to the solution, but I probably have to do something with malloc, to initialize the fields of the struct, but where ?
Furthermore, I don't understand the difference between
char *ptr = (char *)(((char *)config) + proptable[i].offset);
char *ptr = (char *)((config + proptable[i].offset);
I would say the first one is incorrect, but when the struct only contains int properties, everything works fine!

Any comments ?

thnx a lot