Hello folks,

I hope my question is not wasting anyones time here. I was trying to make a program that will assist me in my daily work, the idea being to automatically generate a file that contains some inforamation about products and so forth.

I decided to put this information into a structure and then create a file and read the contents of struct to it.

I can get the program to work when I do not use a seperate function, but i cannot seem to get the program to work while having a seperate function. My knowledge of passing structures seems to be a bit limited.

here is the function:
void createFile(char pc, struct CALL){
FILE *nf;

     nf = fopen(pc, "w");

     if (nf == NULL) {
     fprintf("Can't open created file %s!\n", pc);

   if (nf != NULL) {
    fwrite(&c, 1, sizeof(CALL), nf);

function prototype:
void createFile(char filename, struct CALL);
and the call to the function:

I really tried lots of different attempts and looked at many websites and resource but i still get the same problems. Can someone point out where I went wrong...sure there are numerous errors.

Anyway this is the program that works without function(so you know that i am trying )


char *genCallNr();
//void createFile(char *callnr);

struct CALL {
   int qty;
   char contract[5], owner[5], partnr[6], date1[14], date2[14];
   char *callnr;

int main(void)
 struct CALL c;

 strcpy(c.contract, "DELL");
 strcpy(c.owner, "EMEA");
 strcpy(c.partnr, "615TW");
 strcpy(c.date1, "030320091148");
 strcpy(c.date2, "030320091148");
 c.callnr = genCallNr();
 printf("\n%s", c.callnr);

free (c.callnr);

printf("\n%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", c.contract, c.owner, c.partnr, c.callnr);
int i;
FILE *nf;
char *pc;
char cn[12];
pc = cn;

pc = genCallNr();

printf("\n%s", pc);

 nf = fopen(pc, "w");

     if (nf == NULL) {
     fprintf("Can't open created file %s!\n", pc);

   if (nf != NULL)
fwrite(&c, 1, sizeof(struct CALL), nf);



char *genCallNr(){

char *callnr = malloc(12);
time_t now;

 struct tm *ts;
 char buf[12];

 now = time(NULL);
 ts = localtime(&now);

 strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "1%y%m%d%H%M", ts);
 //printf("\n%s", buf);
 strncpy(callnr, buf,12);
// printf("\n%s", callnr);

return callnr;


void createFile(char *callnr){
FILE *nf;

     nf = fopen(callnr, "w");

     if (nf == NULL) {
     fprintf("Can't open created file %s!\n", callnr);

   if (nf != NULL) {
    fwrite(callnr, 1, sizeof(callnr), nf);


there are problems with the information that is writen into the file by the above program but i will tackle them when the problem with the function is resolved...