Thread: Reading in a two line file

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Reading in a two line file

    I am trying to read a file with this subroutine. It has two lines and looks as such:
    kpaw 40.871 -104.714 Pawnee Radar

    kchl 40.446 -104.637 CHILL Radar

    When I run the program I get this readout in the terminal:
    kchl 40.446 -104.637 CHILL Radar14 Pawnee Radar
    radar string: �1m�x1m��1m��1m�▒�

    Not sure whats going on. Any ideas?

    void read_radar(char *radar,GooCanvasItem *group)
    	FILE * radar_file;
    	//~ gchar *path_data;
    	radar_file = fopen(radar,"r");
    	if (radar_file != NULL)
    		char radar_string[80];
    		const char delimiters[] = " ";
    		char *call;
    		char *chlat;
    		char *chlon;
    		char *name1;
    		char *name2;
    		double lat;
    		double lon;
    		//~ fgets(radar_string, 40, radar_file);
    		while ( fgets(radar_string, 80, radar_file) != NULL )
    			printf("radar string: %s\n",radar_string);
    			fclose (radar_file);
    			call = strtok (radar_string, delimiters); //~ Radar Call
    			chlat = strtok (NULL, delimiters); //~ Radar Lat
    			chlon = strtok (NULL, delimiters); //~ Radar Long
    			name1 = strtok (NULL, delimiters); //~ Radar Name1
    			name2 = strtok (NULL, delimiters); //~ Radar Name2
    			lat = strtod(chlat, (char **) NULL);
    			lon = strtod(chlon, (char **) NULL);
    			//~ printf("%s %f\n",chlat,lat);
    			//~ printf("%s %f\n",chlon,lon);
    			lon = (top_long - lon) / -ps;
    			lat = (top_lat - lat) / ps;
    			//~ printf("%s %f\n",chlat,lat);
    			//~ printf("%s %f\n",chlon,lon);
    			//~ goo_canvas_ellipse_new(group,lon,lat,5.0,5.0,"fill-color","yellow","stroke-color","black",NULL);
    			//~ Goo::Canvas::Text->new ($radars,$radar_name,$radar_x,$radar_y,-1,'GTK_ANCHOR_CENTER',font => 'Sans Bold 15',fill_color => 'black');

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Any time you see garbled looking output like that, it means you've forgotten to null terminate a "string".

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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