I've looked through my code alot and can not seem to find the error, i really appreciate your help. The problem is that when i call cord[] (part of node) in the main file it is not returning an int. I have put a check in the main file (isdigit()) to attempt to check if the returned value is an int. cord[] is an int array and values are being saved as ints so i'm not sure why it is not an int when it is called later on in main. I've included all the files that are needed for the program to compile and edit.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

node .h
#include <stdio.h>

#ifndef _NODE_H
#define _NODE_H

/* Struct to handle the linked list itself */
typedef struct node_tag{
  	char surface[30];
  	int cord[8];
  	struct node_tag	*next;
  	struct node_tag	*prev;
} Node;

typedef struct linked_list{
	Node *head;
	Node *tail;
} list;

Node *make_node(list *shapes, char *surface, int cord[]);
void push_back(list *shapes, char *surface, int cord[]);
void release(list *shapes) ;
void walk_list(list *shapes) ;
void delete_node(list *shapes, Node *p) ;

level.c (main)
#include "node.h"

list *getLevel(int x);

int main(void){
	//Create list for level
	list *level = NULL;
	level = (list *)malloc(sizeof(list));

	//get the current level - Takes a int parameter (the level you want to load) and returns a linked list.
	level = getLevel(1);
        Node *p = level->head;
	printf("%d", p->cord[0]);

	//DEBUG - Print the contents of the Level Linked List
	return 0;

list *getLevel(int x){
	list *shapes = NULL;
	shapes = (list *)malloc(sizeof(list));
	char extension[5] = ".txt";
	char surface[30];
	char level[30];
	int cord[8];
	FILE *cfPtr;

	//Concatenate int level (x) and char extension into file name
	sprintf(level, "%d%s", x, extension);

	//check to see if file exists
	if((cfPtr = fopen(level, "r")) == NULL){
		printf("File could not be opened\n");
		//scan the first line
		fscanf(cfPtr, "%s%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", surface, &cord[0], &cord[1], &cord[2], &cord[3], &cord[4], &cord[5], &cord[6], &cord[7]);
		//Loop until you reach the end of the file
			//add surface to linked list
			push_back(shapes, surface, cord);
			//scan for next surface
			fscanf(cfPtr, "%s%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", surface, &cord[0], &cord[1], &cord[2], &cord[3], &cord[4], &cord[5], &cord[6], &cord[7]);

		//close the file


	return shapes;

#include "node.h"

Node *make_node(list *shapes, char *surface, int cord[]){
	Node *tmp = NULL;
	int x = 0;

  	tmp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)) ;
 	if (tmp == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory in make_node().\n") ;
    		exit(1) ;

	//add surface to node
  	if (surface)
     		strncpy(tmp->surface, surface, sizeof(tmp->surface)) ;
	//add each coordinate to node
	for(x=0; x<8; x++){
		tmp->cord[x] = cord[x];

  	tmp->next = NULL ;
  	tmp->prev = NULL ;

  	return tmp ;  


void push_back(list *shapes, char *surface, int cord[]){
 	Node	*tmp = NULL ;

  	if ((shapes->head == NULL && shapes->tail != NULL) || (shapes->head != NULL && shapes->tail == NULL)) {
     		fprintf(stderr, "Inconsistent list in call to push_front().\n") ;
     		exit(2) ;
  	tmp = make_node(shapes, surface, cord);
  	if (!tmp) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "Error building node in push_front().\n") ;
    		exit(3) ;

  	if (shapes->head == NULL && shapes->tail == NULL) {
    		shapes->head = tmp ;
    		shapes->tail = tmp ;
  	} else {
   		shapes->tail->next = tmp ;
    		tmp->prev = shapes->tail ;
    		shapes->tail = tmp ;

  	return ;

void release(list *shapes) {

  	while (shapes->head)
    		delete_node(shapes, shapes->tail) ;

  	return ;

void walk_list(list *shapes) {
  	Node	*p = shapes->head ;
  	int   count = 0 ;

  	if (shapes->head == NULL && shapes->tail == NULL) {
     		printf("======================\nEmpty List.\n=====================\n") ;
     		return ;						/* not an error to try to print an empty list */

  	if ((shapes->head == NULL && shapes->tail != NULL) || (shapes->head != NULL && shapes->tail == NULL)) {
     		fprintf(stderr, "Error!  Inconsistent list in call to walk_list()\n") ;
     		exit(4) ;

  	while (p) {
  		/*  printf("Node[%d]:%s", count, p->surface);*/
    		printf("Node[%d]:  %s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", count, p->surface, p->cord[0], p->cord[1], p->cord[2], p->cord[3], p->cord[4], p->cord[5], p->cord[6], p->cord[7]) ;
    		count++ ;
    		p = p->next ;


void delete_node(list *shapes, Node *p) {

  	if ((shapes->head == NULL && shapes->tail != NULL) || (shapes->head != NULL && shapes->tail == NULL)) {
     		fprintf(stderr, "Inconsistent list in call to delete_node\n") ;
     		exit(5) ;

  	if ((shapes->head == NULL && shapes->tail == NULL) || (p == NULL))
     		return ;

  	if (p == shapes->head && p == shapes->tail) { /* Only one item in the list */
     		shapes->head = NULL ;
     		shapes->tail = NULL ;
  	} else if (p == shapes->head) {       /* If we delete the head node */
  		shapes->head = shapes->head->next ;
     		shapes->head->prev = NULL ;        /* only valid because of previous line */
  	} else if (p == shapes->tail) {       /* If we delete the tail node */
     		shapes->tail = shapes->tail->prev ;
     		shapes->tail->next = NULL ;
  	} else {                      /* If we delete a node in the middle */
     		Node *pre_p, *post_p ;

     		pre_p  = p->prev ;
     		post_p = p->next ;

     		pre_p->next = post_p ;
     		post_p->prev = pre_p ;

  	if (p)
     		free(p) ;

  	return ;

start 36 156 72 156 72 120 36 120
end 0 534 36 534 36 498 0 498
surface 0 120 1024 120 1024 0 0 0
surface 215 210 416 210 416 192 215 192
surface 468 282 668 282 668 264 468 264
surface 720 354 920 354 920 336 720 336
surface 567 426 342 426 342 408 567 408
surface 0 498 514 498 514 480 0 480