Hello, i'm trying to print the current time but i'm getting it like this " Thu Apr 30 07:09:51 2009 "
I only need the time, i don't need the date, year etc...

How do i do that??

This is what i used:
time_t t;
    struct tm *local;
    t = time(NULL);
    local = localtime(&t);
       fprintf(file_out, "Arrival time: %s\n", asctime(local)   );
Right now i'm only trying to print the current time but what i really need is to be able to work with that time. Like i need to first use it as arrival time then use it to calculate how much time it takes to complete a certain job then finally i will have to print both on screen.

That's why i only need the time and not the dates etc....
Can anybody help me?