I am writing a menu system for an LCD screen. The screen has 6 buttons, Up, Down, Left, Right, Select, Cancel.

I have written the following code to scroll up and down through the menu. Here is my code

void position_cursor(void)
    cursor[0] = 0x10; // 0x10 : cursor select character
    clear_cursor[0] = 0x20; //clear cursor character
   // Up Arrow Pressed
   if((data4 == 0x07) && (cursorY != 0)){ //0x07 : Up arrow release cursorY: int psoition of //cursor
             write_cursor(cursorY, clear_cursor);
             write_cursor(--cursorY, cursor);
   // Down Arrow Pressed
   else if((data4 == 0x08) && (cursorY != 3)) { // 0x08: Down arrow release
             write_cursor(cursorY, clear_cursor);
             write_cursor(++cursorY, cursor);

cursorY is initially set to 0. Cursor is in position 0.

Press Down: Moves cursor to position #1. Clears cursor from position #0 . Perfect
Press Down: Nothing happens
Press Up: Clears cursor. Does not re-write cursor
Press Down: Re-writes cursor to position #1
Press Down: Nothing happens
Press Up: Clears cursor. Does not re-write cursor.
Press Down: Re-writes cursor to position #1

The last 2 button presses can only be executed from then on and continuously.
Nothing happens if a button is not pressed, as should be. The previous only happens when the buttons are pressed.

Does anyone know of an effecient algorithm to implement this?

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
