I need some help for this task I have to have in soon. I'm writing the code using Quincy and have got all the basis down; but I'm just getting stuck on little fiddly bits which I'm unfamiliar with. EG local and global variables, calling and returning functions, if/else functions, etc.

Any help is appreciated.


a) Prompt the user to input the vehicle type. ‘c’ or ‘C’ for a car, ‘m’ or ‘M’ for a motorbike, ‘t’ or ‘T’ for a truck. Display a message 'Wrong vehicle type' when the input character is other than specified.

b) Prompt the user to input the parking time in hours. The parking time is supposed to be a positive integer number greater that 0. Therefore, one hour minimum charge is applied. The program should validate the input time. Display a message 'Wrong parking time when parking time is invalid.

c) Calculates the amount charged based upon the following rates:
car - $5p/h, motorbike - $2p/h, truck - $10p/h
However, if parking time is longer than 4hrs, after that a 25% discount rate is applied ( after 4hrs ). If parking time is longer than 12hrs, after that 50% discount is applied ( to all period after 12hrs ).

d) Output the parking time and the parking fee

Code so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define CAR        5.0
#define MOTORBIKE    2.0
#define TRUCK        10.0
#define DISCOUNT1    0.25
#define DISCOUNT2    0.50
#define TIME1        4
#define TIME2        12

/* function prototypes */
bool validateVechileType(char type);
bool validateParkingTime(int hours);
double getParkingFee(char type, float hours, float fee);
void displayParkingFee();
float getParkingRate(float rate);

int main(void)
    char type;
    int hours;
    float fee;
    float rate;
    bool validtype;
    bool validtime;
    printf("Enter your vehicle type (c, m or t): ");
    scanf("%c", &type );
    validtype = validateVehicleType( type);
    if( validtype == true)
        rate = getVehicleRate( type);
        printf("Enter hours: ");
        scanf("%f", &hours );
        validtime = validateParkingTime( hours);
            if( validtime == true)
            fee = getParkingFee( hours, rate);
            printf("Wrong parking time");
            return 0;
    printf("Wrong vehicle type");

    return 0;
/* validate the input vehicle type according to predefined values*/
bool validateVechileType(char type)
    if (type == 'C' || 'c' || 'M' || 'm' || 'T' || 't')
        return (true);
        return (false);

/*assign apropriate value for rate*/
float getVehicleRate(char type)
    if (type == 'C' || 'c')      
        rate = CAR;
    if (type == 'T' || 't')      
        rate = TRUCK;
    if (type == 'M' || 'm')
        rate = MOTORBIKE;

    return (rate);
/* validate the input parking time according to predefined values*/
bool validateParkingTime(int hours);
    if (hours >> 0 && hours%1 == 0)
        return (true);
        return (false);

/*calculate and return the parking fee*/
float getParkingFee(int hours, float rate);
    if (hours <= TIME1)    
        fee = rate * hours;
    if (TIME1 < hours && hours <= TIME2)
          fee = (rate * 4) + (rate * (hours - 4));
    if (TIME2 < hours)
        fee = (rate * 4) + (rate * DISCOUNT1 * 8) + (rate * DISCOUNT2 * (hours - 12));
    return (fee);

/*display the calculated parking fee*/
displayParkingFee(char type, int hours, float fee );
if (type == 'C' || 'c')
    printf("Car %d hrs parking fee: %.2f", hours, fee);
if (type == 'M' || 'm')
    printf("Motorbike %d hrs parking fee: %.2f", hours, fee);
if (type == 'T' || 't')
    printf("Truck %d hrs parking fee: %.2f", hours, fee);