
Could anyone help me with a prime number algorithm?
I'm not asking for direct code, but pesudo would be nice...
This is what I currently got

int isPrime(const int number){

	int i; // variable for the loop

	double d; // variable to store the division and hold the decimals
	int x;	// variable to help check if a division had decimals

	if( number <= 1) return 0; // if 'number' is equal to 1, it's not a prime number "The number 1 is by definition not a prime number" - Wikipedia

	for(i = 2; i != number; ++i){ // 'i' must start at 2

		d = number/i;
		x = d;	// and integer cannot hold decimals

		if(d == x) return 0;	// if d and x are equal, then it can't be a prime

	return 1;
Thanks in advance!