Hello all -

Is there any way to pass a parameter to the comparison function with qsort without using a global variable?

My goal is to sort the rows of a 2-D matrix based on a particular column. I have a working version that does use globals:
static int nSortColumn = 0; /* global column index used by sortrows */
void sortrows(double** pMatrix,int nStartRow, int nStopRow, int nColumn)
	nSortColumn = nColumn;
	qsort((void*) (pMatrix+nStartRow),nStopRow-nStartRow+1,sizeof(double*),&sortrowsCompareFcn);

int sortrowsCompareFcn(const void * a,const void * b)
	double** val1 = (double**) a;
	double** val2 = (double**) b;

	if(val1[0][nSortColumn] < val2[0][nSortColumn]  )
		return -1;
	else if(val1[0][nSortColumn] > val2[0][nSortColumn]  )
		return 1;
		return 0;
Is a better way to tell the comparison function which column to sort by?
