im a bit new to c, so this is hopefully something simple.
to familiarize myself with the language im writing a program to backup my data (everythings being written in and for linux, if it matters).
whenever i call either of two functions, one to tar and bzip2 data and one to move a file, i get a seg fault as soon as the first function within is called. im pretty sure its not buffer overflow, which is what i came up with from google, as the problem happens repeatedly in the same place between compiles and its entirely predictable and limited to these two functions. also, ive verified that everything is allocated properly and initialized. because of the simple nature of one of the functions, and the fact that it's happening right at the first function call, i dont thiink its a problem with these two functions but with some other aspect of my program, ive just run out of ideas as to what could happen that would have such specific and limited effects.