Hi deee Ho peeps!

As I have stated in here earlier, I've been writing a blog - which is turning out to be a collection of misc C programming tips. However, Some (especially the early articles) have been written based on "I feel it goes like this" instead of "I am 110% sure it is like this, and I have verified everything by excessive testing".

So I thought I'll ask here, if anyone has way too much time in their hands, and are willing to read thru the babblings && correct me where I've been wrong/suggest taking different (better) approach on some things. And yes, I can handle the critique. I understand that improvement (and learning) is process of doing - getting feedback - re-doing - getting more feedback... Besides I would hate to give false information to people. (especially to beginners, C is difficult enough without reading false tutorials).

So in case someone is up for some reading, links are at my signature. The OOP link leads to my English blog (to my favourite post), and the other link leads to a blog written in Finnish - which contains some articles (almost) identical to english blog, and some totally unique ones. (like one about atomic operations).

I am also wondering if I should do a translation to all blog texts, so that they could be read either in Finnish or in English?