I have a simple code example that I'm following from the Smashing the Stack article on buffer overflows. I can overwrite the return address, but when it actually returns it segfaults.

Unworking Version:
char shellcode[] =

void function()
   int *ret;
   ret = (char *)&ret + 8;//11 in main
   printf("return address is %x\n",*ret);//correctly prints return address
   printf("shell code located at %x\n",&shellcode[0]);
   (*ret) = &shellcode[0];
   printf("If I get here it means my problem is in returning, not in touching the pointer\n");
   printf("Trying to return to address: %x\n",*ret);

void main() 
This version prints out everything its supposed to. The address it tries to return to is the address of the first block of the shell code.

Working version:
Here's a simple version that does work for comparison but doesn't do any shell coding, it just skips a line
void function(int a,int b, int c)
	char buffer1[5];	
	int *ret;
	ret = &buffer1[13]; //-4 stack pointer
	(*ret) += 7;
void main()
	int x;
Can the compiler tell that I'm trying to point my memory to something in data segment rather than something on the stack? Is there a way to tell if its a problem with the assembly code in the array?
