
I can change decimal numbers to binary but I am having trouble doing it other way around...

int main()
    int number, remainder;
    int highBitValue, numBits, bit;
    int i;
    printf("Please enter a decimal number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    printf("The equivalent representation of %d in binary is ", number);  
    /* find the largest power of 2 that fits into number */
    highBitValue = 1; numBits = 0;
    remainder = number;
    while (remainder != 0)
          remainder = remainder / 2;
          /* we keep track of both the highest digit value and the number of digits */
          highBitValue = highBitValue * 2;
    remainder = number;
    /* avoid leading 0 bit */
    highBitValue = highBitValue / 2; 
    for (i=0; i<numBits; i++)
          /* find the highest bit in remainder */
          bit = remainder / highBitValue;
          printf("%d", bit);
          /* get ready for the next bit */
          remainder = remainder - bit * highBitValue;    
          highBitValue = highBitValue / 2; 
Thank you.