as this is my first post here i would like to introduce myself and say hi first before i ask my question. i have really bad eyesight at times so i mispell a lot and my english is maybe not so good all times ,i hope it is not to bad to read my posts .

i have been learning c by myself for sometime and i have no experience from before as such. i use the books and online material i can find but i have not been able to find out how to manipulate the content of open files .

i know how to open a file and parse it for html tags and such operations where a filename or more is given on the commandline and then parsed for as an example a simple wordcount program or a program that deletes c commentaries '/* ' and '*/' from a a file.

i want to learn more on file handling and one thing i cant find anything on is how to as example if i have a file and i need to set the cursor on a given position or delete an entry of one line or more in a txt file ,could be an simple commandline address book application i been thinking about trying to write.

thanks for the time .