Hi, I am writing a contact book program using linked lists and I want to fill the
elements of the lists character by character. The reason I want to do it char by char
is to allow spaces when I store strings for example when someone has a first name
like Bobby Joe or when entering an address like 123 Any Street.

Is this possible?

I know how to add strings without spaces, but my attempt at char by char is
resulting in Seg faults.

Here is my attempt:

include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct contact					//structure declaration
	char fname[41];				//stores contacts first names
	char lname[41];				//stores contacts last names
	char address[101];			//stores contacts address
	char pcode[7];				//stores contacts postal code
	char phone[11];				//stores contacts phone number
	struct contact *ptrNext;	//self-referential pointer
typedef struct contact Con;	//type declaration

//declare global variables
struct contact *ptrFirst = NULL;
struct contact *ptrLast = NULL;

//function prototypes
struct contact *CreateCon();
struct contact *InputCon(Con *ptrNew);
void AddNew(Con *ptrNew);
int isEmptyList();

struct contact *InputCon(struct contact *ptrNew)
	char c;						//stores characters
	int pos;					//array position variable
	int spcount;				//space counter
	int digcount;				//digit counter

	fflush(stdin);				//flush the input buffer
	printf("FIRSTNAME: ");		//prompt the user
	pos = 0;					//reset counters
	spcount = 0;
	digcount = 0;
	while( ( c = getchar() ) != '\n' )		//do until user hits enter
		ptrNew->fname[pos] = c;
		if( isspace(&ptrNew->fname[pos]))
			spcount++;				//if its a space, count it
		if( isdigit(&ptrNew->fname[pos]))
			digcount++;				//if its a digit count it
		pos++;						//increment the position
		//check the limit of the field
			break;		//if you reach the limit break
	ptrNew->fname[pos] = '\0';	//add string terminator
....roughly the same for last name, address, postal code and phone.

//Add new contact data interactively from the keyboard
//Input: a self-referencing pointer to the new instance
//Output: stores the data into the structure at that instance
void AddNew(Con *ptrNew)
	if (isEmptyList())
		ptrFirst = ptrNew;
		ptrLast = ptrNew;
		ptrNew->ptrNext = ptrFirst;
		ptrFirst = ptrNew;

//check to see if the List is Empty
//Input: none
//Output: a boolean value for true or false
int isEmptyList()
	if(ptrFirst == NULL)
		return 1;
		return 0;

//function call in the program looks like...

			case 1: // user typed 1 Add New Contact
				while((another == 'Y') || (another == 'y'))
					another = 0;
					AddNew(InputCon(CreateCon()));		//function call
					num++;					//increment number of contacts
					//let the user know the contact was added
					printf("\nThe contact was added successfully.\n");
					fflush(stdin);			//flush the input buffer
					//prompt the user for input
					printf("\nAdd another contact? (Yes = y, No = Any Key)\n");
					another = getchar();		//get user input
Any ideas how I can make this work? I would really appreciate some insight.
I'm not looking for a fully coded solution, psuedocode that points me in the right
direction would be great. I just don't know how to use the pointers right to
correctly store the value.