about the salary, I understand what you mean but the program is just for testing. I coded a function showed below.

//in main
char *name;

name = getString( 50 );
This is the function that returns a pointer to a character.

char *getString( int strSize )
    char value;//, arrValue[ strSize ];
    char *rcvValue;
    int ctr = 0;
    //rcvValue = arrValue;
    rcvValue = malloc( 5 * sizeof( strSize ) );
    while( 1 )
       value = getch();
       if( value == '\b' && ctr > 0 )
          putch( value );
          putch( ' ' );
          putch( value );
       else if( value != '\b' && value != '\r' && ctr != 30 )
          if( isspace( value ) || isalpha( value ) )
             //arrValue[ ctr ] = value;
             rcvValue[ ctr ] = value;
             putch( value );
       if( value == '\r' )
          if(  ctr > 0 )
    rcvValue[ ctr ] = '\0';
    //arrValue[ ctr ] = '\0';
    //rcvValue = malloc( strlen( arrValue ) + 1 );
    return rcvValue;
Maybe with this style of inputting string can avoid excess buffer coz I am able to restrict the user as you can see in the function. If you have any feedback with the code let me know.