Thread: Insert value into array

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  1. #1
    C noobie
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    Jun 2006

    Insert value into array

    I was curious what the most effective way was for inserting a value into an array. I literally mean inserting a value into an array, as in between two values, not just replacing an item at a specific index. Example,

    psuedoish code,
    example[4] = {1,2,3,4};
    example[4] == {1,2,9,3};

    I need to insert several large strings into an array several thousand characters long. (similar to how a text editor would do it)
    Last edited by Salgat; 02-26-2009 at 08:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Do the characters that cannot fit inside the array simply fall off the right end? At least that's what I got out of your example.

  3. #3
    C noobie
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    Jun 2006

  4. #4
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    That means you need to start at the right, replacing element n by element n-1, going back until you reach the insertion point.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    For small strings you can "worm" the char's over, index by index, from right to left, and that's ok.

    But that's also inefficient - much like bubblesort, actually. Because the char's may need to move many spaces over to the right, and a naive algorithm will really slow things down.

    A better algorithm would be:

    get the length of the string to be added, a[1], make that length1.

    get the length of the string (the char array) that's to be adjusted (a2[]), and make that length2

    Now choose the index that is length2 - length1. Start there, and move that char in a2[] to a2[length2-1].

    Continue moving char's until the index = (length2 - length1) - length1. That is, if a1[] is 100 char's long, and a2[] = 1,000 char's in length, then you want to start at index 1,000 , and continue until you get to index 900. (Just remember to -1 from these index numbers for zero based arrays)

    This is a naive implementation. If you run it step by step, you'll see that the char's are moved over and over again. The move itself is fast, but with a long string, I'd use the better algorithm described above. I don't have an example of it to show.

    /*edit_str.c Overwrites or inserts a string into an array of char, Adak
    Status: ok
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int insert(void);
    int overwrite(void);
    char a1[] = { "When you spit, upon a star" }; //apologies to Disney :)
    char a2[] = { "you wish," };
    char a3[] = {"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."}; 
    char a4[] = {" and wise"};  
    int main(void)  {
       return 0;
    int insert(void) {
       int i, j, left, right, length3, length4;
       length3 = strlen(a3);
       length4 = strlen(a4);
       left = 27;  //where I want to insert the a2 string
       for(j = length4 - 1; j > -1; j--)  {
          for(i = length3 - 2; i > left; i--)  {
             a3[i+1] = a3[i];
             if(i < 0 || i > length3-1)
                return 1;
          }                  //the a4 string is fed into a3, from right to 
          ++i;               //left. Each inserted char is then moved to the
          a3[i] = a4[j];     //right in a3, appropriately.
          if(j < 0 || j > length4-1)
             return 1;
       printf("%s\n", a3);
       i = getchar();
       return 0;
    int overwrite(void) {
       int i, j, left, right, length1;
       left = 5;
       right = strlen(a2);
       length1 = strlen(a1);
       for(i = left, j = 0; j < right; i++)  {
          a1[i] = a2[j++];
          if(i > length1-1)
             return 1;
       printf("%s\n", a1);
       i = getchar();
       return 0;

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Sep 2007
    If this is truly the best way to approach your problem, I'd think that memmove() + memcpy() would be the solution (assuming I didn't make a mistake here):
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    static void insert(const char *to_insert, char *string, size_t offset)
      size_t slen = strlen(string);
      size_t ilen = strlen(to_insert);
      assert(ilen + offset <= slen);
      memmove(&string[offset + ilen], &string[offset], slen - ilen - offset);
      memcpy(&string[offset], to_insert, ilen);
    int main(void)
      char s[] = "string for replacement";
      insert("is ", s, 7);
      return 0;

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Oct 2008
    Before writing code what have you tried as far as designing the algorithm is concerned.

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