Hi guys,

I'm very new to pthreads and I'm not sure exactly how I would init this data structure.
I have the following data structure:
/* thread work */
typedef struct thread_work {
  FILE *fp;
  int fd;
  struct thread_work *next;
} thread_work_t;

/* a thread pool */
typedef struct tpool {
  /* pool attributes */
  int num_threads;

  /* pool state */
  pthread_t *threads;

  /* receiver mutexes */
  pthread_mutex_t read_ipc_lock;     /* need to read from ipc channel */
  pthread_mutex_t next_entry_lock;   /* need to update what the next entry to write is */
  pthread_mutex_t write_file_lock;   /* need to write to the file when it's your turn */
  pthread_mutex_t last_entry_lock;   /* need to identify the last entry */
  /* cond vars */
  pthread_cond_t next_entry_check;   /* cond var for waiting for your turn */
} tpool_t;

/* one each for child and parent */
tpool_t *tp;   /* thread pool */

extern int thread_pool_init( int poolSize );
extern int run_pool_threads( FILE *fp, int fd, void *(*threadfn)(void *));

and I'm going to use this function to initiate the data structure:


    Function    : thread_pool_init
    Description : Pthreads version to initialize pool of size poolSize
    Inputs      : poolSize - number of threads in the thread pool
    Outputs     : 0 if successful, -1 if failure


int thread_pool_init( int poolSize )
  /* initialize thread pool data structure */ 

  /* everything is OK */
  return 0;
Now would I simply use malloc? I'm confused because I have a thread_work data structure and a tpool data structure. I'm assuming the tpool data structure is where I would use the poolSize. perhaps in a for loop or would i simply set the tp->num_threads = poolSize and not use malloc at all?. And the thread_work thread I think I would just use malloc once right?

Something like:
 thread_work_t *t_work;
	if (( t_work = (thread_work_t *) malloc( sizeof(thread_work_t) ) ) == NULL) {