I'm trying to make a program that adds and subtracts very large integers. the integers are stored digit by digit in a linked list. i am having problems with the program crashing with out an error massage.

the input data is from a file named "bigint.txt" the first line tells how many lines follow. the first number tells add or subtract (1=add, 2=subtract) and the last 2 numbers on the line are the numbers to use. when subtracting it is suposed to always do the high - low regardless of order.

the input data that i am using is as follows:
(not code just data)
1 123456789 987654321
2 9999999999 10000000000
2 10000000000 9999999999
1 3 5
2 7 7
2 0 5
1 19385838321938583832193858383219385838321938583832193858383219385838321938583832193858383219385838321938583832193858383200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 95234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780
2 19385838321938583832193858383219385838321938583832193858383219385838321938583832193858383219385838321938583832193858383200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 95234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780912345678091234567809123456780
2 23846098743650298740983098320576769760987394620943752836709832523980475208934750982365208743523 23846098743650298740983098320576769760987394620943752836709832523980475208934750982365208743523
1 935628126812131 148123782378218738287372
the program crashes at the 3rd operation. but if i skip the second operation (delete it) then i will continue the program...until the 7-7 line where it crashes but i think i can fix that...still working on that though.

also if i just do one input the program also crashes though it dosent look like it.

i marked both of the places that i have found that the program crashes. the first one is in the resize function and the second is in main.

please help if you can, thank you! =)

the code is a follows (sorry for the length but I'm not sure where the problem might be.):
//John Torres
//COP 3223-0002
//Assignment #3
//Febuary, 20, 2009

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct integer* read_integer(char* stringInt);
struct integer* read_integerRec(char* stringInt, int len);
void print(struct integer *p);
void printRec(struct integer *p, int list_len);
struct integer* add(struct integer *p, struct integer *q);
struct integer* addRec(struct integer *p, struct integer *q, int carry);
struct integer* subtract(struct integer *p, struct integer *q);
struct integer* subtractRec(struct integer *p, struct integer *q, int barrow);
int compare(struct integer *p, struct integer *q);
int compareRec(struct integer* p, struct integer* q, int len);
void FreeList(struct integer *p);
struct integer* ResizeList(struct integer *p);
struct integer* ResizeListRec(struct integer *p, int len);
int ListSize(struct integer *p);

struct integer{
	int digit;
	struct integer *next;

int main(void)
    struct integer* head[3];
    char number[201];
    int file_len;
    int test1;
    int test2;
    int i,j;
    FILE *fin;
    //open file and get number of file lines
    fin = fopen("bigint.txt", "r");
    fscanf(fin, "%d", &file_len);

    //loop breaks after file is done
    for(i = 0; i < file_len; i++)
        //read operation type, 1=add, 2=sub
        fscanf(fin,"%d", &test1);
        //reads the 2 strings and converts them to numbers
        for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            fscanf(fin, "%s", number);
            head[j] = read_integer(number);
        //if add
        if(test1 == 1)
            //add function
            head[2] = add(head[0], head[1]);
            head[2] = ResizeList(head[2]);
            //print operation
        //if subtract
        else if(test1 == 2)
            //subtract function
            head[2] = subtract(head[0], head[1]);
            //resize answer
            head[2] = ResizeList(head[2]);
            //check order
            test2 = compare(head[0], head[1]);
            //print operation
            if(test2 == -1)
            {//if second is larger
            {//if same or first is larger
        //if first number was not a 1 (add) or a 2 (sub)
            printf("BAD DATA");
        //free lists
///////////////////////////////////////////////second problem 
///////////////////////////////////////////////dies here for just one line
    return 0;

//Preconditions:    the first parameter is string that stores
//                  only contains digits, doesn't start with
//                  0, and is 50 or fewer characters long.
//Postconditions:   The function will read the digits of the
//	                large integer character by character, 
//	                convert them into integers and place them in 
//	                nodes of a linked list. The pointer to the 
//	                head of the list is returned.
struct integer* read_integer(char* stringInt)
    struct integer* temp;
    int len;
    //find number of digits
    len = strlen(stringInt) - 1;
    //build struct
    return read_integerRec(stringInt, len);
struct integer* read_integerRec(char* stringInt, int len)
    struct integer* temp;
    //allocate memory
    temp = (struct integer*) malloc(sizeof(struct integer));
    //end case
    if(len == 0)
        temp->digit = (int) stringInt[0] - '0';
        temp->next = NULL;
        return temp;
    //base case
        temp->digit = (int) stringInt[len] - '0';
        temp->next = read_integerRec(stringInt, len-1);
        return temp;

//Preconditions:    p is a pointer to a big integer, stored in
//                  reverse order, least to most significant 
//                  digit, with no leading zeros.
//Postconditions:   The big integer pointed to by p is 
//                  printed out.
void print(struct integer *p)
    int list_len;
    //find list lenth
    list_len = ListSize(p);
    //print function
    printRec(p, list_len);
void printRec(struct integer *p, int list_len)
    struct integer* temp;
    int i;
    //end case
    if(list_len == 0)
        printf("%d", p->digit);
    //base case
        temp = p;
        //move pointer to end of list
        for(i = 0; i < list_len; i++)
            temp = temp->next;
        //print last number in list (first digit in number)
        printf("%d", temp->digit);
        //do it again
        printRec(p, list_len-1);

//Preconditions:    p and q are pointers to big integers, 
//                  stored in reverse order, least to most 
//                  significant digit, with no leading zeros.
//Postconditions:   A new big integer is created that stores
//                  the sum of the integers pointed to by p
//                  and q and a pointer to it is returned.
struct integer* add(struct integer *p, struct integer *q)
    return addRec(p, q, 0);
struct integer* addRec(struct integer *p, struct integer *q, int carry)
    struct integer* big_number;
    //allocate memory
    big_number = (struct integer*) malloc(sizeof(struct integer));
    //if nothing left to add
    if(q->next == NULL && p->next == NULL)
        big_number->digit = p->digit + q->digit + carry;
        big_number->next = NULL;
        return big_number;
    //if q is has no more numbers
    else if(q->next == NULL)
        big_number->digit = q->digit+ p->digit + carry;
        big_number->next = p->next;
        return big_number;
    //if p has no more numbers
    else if(p->next == NULL)
        big_number->digit = p->digit + q->digit + carry;
        big_number->next = q->next;
        return big_number;
    //base case
        big_number->digit = p->digit + q->digit + carry;
        //...carry the one...
        if(big_number->digit > 9)
            big_number->digit -= 10;
            carry =1;
        //reset carry
            carry = 0;
        //do it again
        big_number->next = addRec(p->next, q->next, carry);
        return big_number;

//Preconditions:    p and q are pointers to big integers, 
//                  stored in reverse order, least to most 
//                  significant digit, with no leading zeros.
//Postconditions:   A new big integer is created that stores
//                  the absolute value of the difference 
//                  between the two and a pointer to this is
//                  returned.
struct integer* subtract(struct integer *p, struct integer *q)
    struct integer* big_number;
    int test;
    //compare list to find grater number
    test = compare(p, q);
    //if first is grater
    if(test == 1)
        big_number = subtractRec(p, q, 0);
    //if same or second is grater
        big_number = subtractRec(q, p, 0);
    return big_number;
struct integer* subtractRec(struct integer *p, struct integer *q, int barrow)
    struct integer* big_number;
    //allocate memory
    big_number = (struct integer*) malloc(sizeof(struct integer));
    //if q has no more numbers after this one
    //and p is more then q + barrow
    //end case
    if(q->next == NULL && p->digit >= (q->digit + barrow))
        big_number->digit = p->digit - q->digit - barrow;
        big_number->next = p->next;
        barrow = 0;
        return big_number;
    //if q and p have no more numbers after this one
    //end case
    else if(q->next == NULL && p->next == NULL)
        big_number->digit = p->digit - q->digit - barrow;
        big_number->next = NULL;
        barrow = 0;
        return big_number;
    //if q has no more numbers after this one
    //and q + barrow is more then p
    //end case
    else if(q->next == NULL)
        big_number->digit = p->digit - q->digit - barrow + 10;
        big_number->next->digit = p->next->digit - 1;
        big_number->next->next = p->next->next;
        barrow = 0;
        return big_number;
    //base case, p > q + barrow (dont need to barrow from next number
    else if(p->digit >= (q->digit + barrow))
        big_number->digit = p->digit - q->digit - barrow;
        big_number->next = subtractRec(p->next, q->next, 0);
        return big_number;
    //base case, p < q + barrow (need to barrow from next number
        big_number->digit = p->digit - q->digit - barrow + 10;
        big_number->next = subtractRec(p->next, q->next, 1);
        return big_number;

//Preconditions:    Both parameters of the function are 
//	                pointers to struct integer. 
//Postconditions:   The function compares the digits of two 
//	                numbers recursively and returns: 
//                      -1 if the first number is smaller than the second, 
//                      0 if the first number is equal to the second number,
//                      1 if the first number is greater than the second.
int compare(struct integer *p, struct integer *q)
    int p_len;
    int q_len;
    //finds number of digits in numbers
    p_len = ListSize(p);
    q_len = ListSize(q);
    //compares lenths
    if(p_len > q_len)
    {//p is longer
        return 1;
    else if(p_len < q_len)
    {//q is longer
        return -1;
    {//need more info
        return compareRec(p, q, p_len);
int compareRec(struct integer* p, struct integer* q, int len)
    struct integer* temp_p;
    struct integer* temp_q;
    int i;
    //assing temp pointers
    temp_p = p;
    temp_q = q;
    //end case
    if(len == 1)
        //if p<q
        if(p->digit < q->digit)
            return -1;
        //if p>q
        else if(p->digit > q->digit)
            return 1;
        //if p=q
            return 0;
    //base case
    //move pointer to end of list (first number)
    for(i = 1; i < len; i++)
        temp_p = temp_p->next;
        temp_q = temp_q->next;
    //if p>q
    if(temp_p->digit > temp_q->digit)
        return 1;
    //if p<q
    else if(temp_p->digit < temp_q->digit)
        return -1;
    //need more info, do it again
        return compareRec(temp_p, temp_q, len-1);

//Preconditions:    A valid list header
//Postconditions:   All nodes in list are freed
void FreeList(struct integer *p)
    struct integer* temp;
    //base case
    if(p != NULL)
        //temp point to 2nd node
        temp = p->next;
        //do it again
        //free first node
    //end case (nothing...this is a void function)

//Preconditions:    Valid list of numbers
//Postconditions:   returns a head pointer to a resied list. The new list has
//                  no ending zeros.
struct integer* ResizeList(struct integer *p)
    struct integer* temp;
    int len;
    //get list size (number of digits)
    len = ListSize(p);

    return ResizeListRec(p, len);
struct integer* ResizeListRec(struct integer *p, int len)
    struct integer* temp;
    int i;
    //keeps the last number, no matter what (even 0)
    //end case
    if(len == 1)
        temp = p->next;
        p->next = NULL;
        return p;
    if(len == 0)
        return p;
    //assign temp
    temp = p;  

    //put temp to last node (first digit)
    for(i = 0; i < len - 1 ; i++)
        temp = temp->next;
    //check to see if digit is 0
    if(temp->next->digit == 0)
//////////////////////////////////////first problem
//////////////////////////////////////Problem here after 5 calls on 3rd function
//////////////////////////////////////I think it is a memory issue
        //free usless node
        //changes pointer to null (end of list)
        temp->next = NULL;
        //do it again
        return ResizeListRec(p, len - 1);
    //if digit is not 0
    //end case
        return p;

//Preconditions:    Valid list of numbers
//Postconditions:   Returns an int the size of the number of nodes in the list
int ListSize(struct integer *p)
    struct integer* temp;
    int i;
    //assign temp
    temp = p;
    //count number of digits in list
    for(i = 0; temp->next != NULL; i++)
        temp = temp->next;
    return i;