Thread: This is kind of long, but please help me with this code

  1. #1
    Registered User biosx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    This is kind of long, but please help me with this code

    Ok, I wrote this small program to get used to using functions of time (like time() and ctime()). Well it eventually built up to this medium size program that I wrote just for exercise purpose.

    The program has a menu system.

    1. Log In - Basically just writes to a log file that a username has logged in and writes the date/time they did
    2. Log Out - Basically just writes to a log file that a username has logged out and writes the date/time they did
    3. Change Password - Basically changes/creates a password.
    4. Exit - Exits the program.

    Now, everything is peachy keen, except for when I choose a menu option, do it, and then it returns to the menu loop, it loops through the menu TWICE. This is really annoying and I can't figure out why.

    Here's the code:
      Programmed by biosx
      September 10, 2001
      newfile: Just an experiment with files and other functions
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <time.h>
    /* Function Prototypes */
    char *archive_pass(void);
    char *get_user(void);
    char *get_passwd(void);
    char *get_time(void);
    void log_user_in(char *name, char *time);
    void log_user_out(char *name, char *time);
    void passwdset(void);
    int menu(void);
    int main()
        /* Variables used to store important values */
        static char *archive, *user, *passwd, *log_time;
        int i = 0;
        while (i != 4) {
            i = menu();
            switch(i) {
                case '1':
                    /* Get password from a password file */
                    archive = archive_pass();
                    user = get_user();
                    passwd = get_passwd();
                    /* If strcmp() function returns 1, -1, then password is wrong */
                    if (strcmp(passwd, archive)) {
                        printf("Password incorrect...\n");
                        return 1;
                    else {
                        /* Get time for use of logging */
                        log_time = get_time();
                        log_user_in(user, log_time);
                        printf("\n%s logged in at: %s\n", user, log_time);
                case '2':                
                    log_time = get_time();
                    log_user_out(user, log_time);
                    printf("\n%s logged out at: %s\n", user, log_time);
                case '3':
                case '4':
                    return 0;
        return 0;
    /* Gets a password from a passwd file then returns it a pointer to it */
    char *archive_pass(void)
        char *c, *d;
        FILE *p;
        p = fopen("passwd.txt", "r");
        c = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
        fscanf(p, "%s", c);    
        return c;
    /* Gets user name from STDIN */
    char *get_user(void) 
        char *c, *s;
        c = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
        printf("User: ");
        scanf("%s", c);
        return c;    
    /* Gets user password from STDIN */
    char *get_passwd(void)
        char *c;
        c = (char *)malloc(8 * sizeof(char));
        printf("Password: ");
        scanf("%s", c);
        return c;
    /* Gets time from time() function then returns formatted value */
    char *get_time(void)
        time_t m;
        m = time(NULL);
        return ctime(&m);
    /* Logs a line in a log file of info on user */
    void log_user_in(char *name, char *time) 
        FILE *p;
        p = fopen("log.txt", "a");
        fprintf(p, "%s logged in: %s\n", name, time); 
    /* Logs a line in a log file on info on user */
    void log_user_out(char *name, char *time)
        FILE *p;
        p = fopen("log.txt", "a");
        fprintf(p, "%s logged out: %s\n", name, time);
    /* Edits passwd.txt file to change password */    
    void passwdset(void)
        FILE *fp;
        char *passwd;
        passwd = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
        fp = fopen("passwd.txt", "w");
        printf("Enter Value: ");
        scanf("%s", passwd);
        while (*passwd != '\0')
            putc(*passwd++, fp);
    int menu(void)
        int c;
        printf("\nTestProg v1.0\n");
        printf("1. Log in.\n");
        printf("2. Log out.\n");
        printf("3. Reset Password.\n");
        printf("4. Exit Program.\n");
        printf(":> ");
        c = getchar();
        return c;
    Please help me out. Thank you so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    c = getchar()
    You don't check to get the newline or what's passed
    the number the user entered. Then the next go around
    it's not in the case as i == '\n'.

  3. #3
    Registered User biosx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ok, so I changed the code a bit. I put in a check for the newline '\n' character. It doesn't do what it did before (which was print 2x copies of the menu after doing a command. However, now after I do a command, it no longer accepts characters for the menu.

    Here's the code:

      Programmed by biosx
      September 10, 2001
      newfile: Just an experiment with files and other functions
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <time.h>
    /* Function Prototypes */
    char *archive_pass(void);
    char *get_user(void);
    char *get_passwd(void);
    char *get_time(void);
    void log_user_in(char *name, char *time);
    void log_user_out(char *name, char *time);
    void passwdset(void);
    int menu(void);
    int main()
        /* Variables used to store important values */
        static char *archive, *user, *passwd, *log_time;
        int i;
        while (i != 4) {
            if (i != '\n') {
                i = menu();
                switch(i) {
                    case '1':
                        /* Get password from a password file */
                        archive = archive_pass();
                        user = get_user();
                        passwd = get_passwd();
                        /* If strcmp() function returns 1, -1, then password is wrong */
                        if (strcmp(passwd, archive)) {
                            printf("Password incorrect...\n");
                            return 1;
                        else {
                            /* Get time for use of logging */
                            log_time = get_time();
                            log_user_in(user, log_time);
                            printf("\n%s logged in at: %s\n", user, log_time);
                    case '2':                
                        log_time = get_time();
                        log_user_out(user, log_time);
                        printf("\n%s logged out at: %s\n", user, log_time);
                    case '3':
                    case '4':
                        return 0;
        return 0;
    /* Gets a password from a passwd file then returns it a pointer to it */
    char *archive_pass(void)
        char *c, *d;
        FILE *p;
        p = fopen("passwd.txt", "r");
        c = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
        fscanf(p, "%s", c);    
        return c;
    /* Gets user name from STDIN */
    char *get_user(void) 
        char *c, *s;
        c = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
        printf("User: ");
        scanf("%s", c);
        return c;    
    /* Gets user password from STDIN */
    char *get_passwd(void)
        char *c;
        c = (char *)malloc(8 * sizeof(char));
        printf("Password: ");
        scanf("%s", c);
        return c;
    /* Gets time from time() function then returns formatted value */
    char *get_time(void)
        time_t m;
        m = time(NULL);
        return ctime(&m);
    /* Logs a line in a log file of info on user */
    void log_user_in(char *name, char *time) 
        FILE *p;
        p = fopen("log.txt", "a");
        fprintf(p, "%s logged in: %s\n", name, time); 
    /* Logs a line in a log file on info on user */
    void log_user_out(char *name, char *time)
        FILE *p;
        p = fopen("log.txt", "a");
        fprintf(p, "%s logged out: %s\n", name, time);
    /* Edits passwd.txt file to change password */    
    void passwdset(void)
        FILE *fp;
        char *passwd;
        passwd = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
        fp = fopen("passwd.txt", "w");
        printf("Enter Value: ");
        scanf("%s", passwd);
        while (*passwd != '\0')
            putc(*passwd++, fp);
    int menu(void)
        int c;
        printf("\nNewfile 1.0\n");
        printf("1. Log in.\n");
        printf("2. Log out.\n");
        printf("3. Reset Password.\n");
        printf("4. Exit Program.\n");
        printf(":> ");
        c = getchar();
        return c;
    Any help and/or insight is greatly appreciated.

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